U.S. is a presidential republic. In the first phase of American statehood, not only legal, but the executive power was concentrated in a single representative body - the Constitutional Congress. Sole head of state at the time did not exist, and Congress elected from among its members a president, whose functions were limited to chairing meetings. Only in 1787 in Philadelphia to make the federal U.S. Constitution was made a historic choice in favor of a presidential republic. The head of the federal executive power in the country was renamed under the Constitution the President of the U.S. (Bumiller, 2009).
As a result, the U.S. became the first country in the world where there was the post of president, united in one person the head of state and government. The first U.S. president in the general elections George Washington was elected, which was not merely an outstanding politician, but also the father of the nation and its character at a time. Not for nothing, many voters are not demanding its proclamation as president, and king.
The U.S. Constitution is based on three main sources. Firstly, the ideas of the French Enlightenment of the XVIII century, especially Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu. Secondly, on the British parliamentary tradition, the rule of law, freedom of the individual who found his "discharge" in the theory of Locke, etc. Third, in our own historical experience of the American colonies and states, as reflected in the ideas of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, J. Medsona, A. Hamilton, J. Jay, in an outstanding work of American political thought - "Federalist." With such a sound theoretical basis of the U.S. Constitution was the result of collective efforts of politicians' pragmatists.
A content analysis of the U.S. Constitution allows allocating the following democratic principles, defining political system: the rule of government by people, guarantee of human rights and freedoms, rule of law, separation of powers, the system of checks and balances, federalism, supervision courts over the constitutionality of the law and their enforcement (Leonard, 2004).
It is built by the U.S. Constitution sought to treat the president as a senior official in the state. The uniqueness of presidency was that it simultaneously acted as the supreme state and executive power. This status gives the president unprecedented power. Not by chance that the political history of the U.S. often divided into periods (or epochs) of the Board, or that president. Especially noticeable trace in the history of U.S. left three great President George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt.
President of the U.S. is the only official of the federal government, which is chosen by all voters. This fact makes its position is not only prestigious, but also relatively independent. U.S. President embodies the unity of the state is the guarantor of the Constitution, a symbol of the nation and the rule of law, the chief representative of the state in its relations with other countries. As chief executive he forms the administration, ie, the government appoints the senior ...