Inside Job

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Inside Job

Inside Job


The Inside Job is an academy award winning film, which tells the story of the 2008 collapse of the U.S. financial markets. The Inside Job features commentary and testimony from many of the key players at the highest levels of Wall Street at the time of the crash, including I-bank CEO's, governors, economists, congressman, presidential aides and cabinet members, university scholars, and of course…financial services lobbyists. The movie was produced and directed by Charles Ferguson, who also produced the political documentary “No End in Sight” about the War on Terror; and narrated by Matt Damon, who…well if you are not sure who that is just stop reading now, because you probably are not going to watch this movie anyway (Adams, 2010).

Social Media and its Impact

CEOs are aware of their differentiate “narrator” role. But by this, they does not mean that the people are taking full advantage of the opportunities and realization of how worried stakeholders are to hear from them. If we take the example of social media and crime in the film Inside Job, Weber Shandwick research found that during the financial crisis, 71% of U.S. employees wanted more communications from the top.

As adapted devices for criminal acts in recent times especially in the Internet the focus of law enforcement authorities moved. This is in many ways as adapted devices, whether in the context of fraud (e.g. EBay), except for the dissemination of (child) pornographic, anti-constitutional or violent nature. Also, the Internet provides opportunities for crime as a contact platform for the (sexual) abuse of children, especially in chat forums, run mainly in those young people.

Reporting on crime is in addition to articles in print and radio media and the Internet, especially via the television. Here comes the public broadcaster to that derived from Article 5 GG-finding mission, which includes informing the public of those events that are relevant to public opinion. Crimes as such, but especially the most sensational events - which are often attributable to violent crime are all but in a popular media content. This is because that often has a sensation-oriented reporting to a balanced communication of information the audience and increase sales significantly. In addition, a public interest in the detailed coverage of criminal spectacular events cannot be denied, so that here are too often the focuses of journalistic reporting. In this context, some problems are visible. First, the crime trends in the media are presented often distorted. Reports will usually have a few events - violent or sexual offenses - but rarely on the overall rate of crime significantly did more represent ownership and property damage offenses (Hill, 2010).

Discussion and Analysis

Cultural criminologists apply these theories and methods to a variety of substantive issues. Media research in cultural criminology often investigates the dynamic by which the mass media's construction of particular crime issues intertwines with public perceptions and criminal justice policy. Research has also been undertaken on popular media forms such as heavy metal and gothic music, cartoons and comic books, ...
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