Innovation And Change

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Innovation and Change

Innovation and Change

Change allows an organization to experience a development that deviates from an otherwise normal procedure and brings forth a (preferably) new outcome by making use of variables that were not being brought into use previously. In essence, an organizational change is the name that is given to the transformation of processes and cause-and-effect relationships in the organization. The change may come about as a result of internal variables or it may come about as a result of external variables.

It comes forth as a threat to personnel. Regardless of the efficiency and effectiveness of the process in place, the possibility of replacing an older process with a new one is rarely welcomed. It is imperative to highlight that change is not restricted in any manner. It can come in any part of the organization's value chain. Change can be observed in the product or in the production process. Similarly, change can be observed in the form of the organization's expansion or a retrenchment of divisions and/or departments (Clayton 2002, pp. 32).

Regardless of the case, the change is generally observed as a result of a proactive process. As a result, it is common to observe scenarios in which the organization experiences an objective change and the personnel in the organization experience a subjective influence. However, an organization's change cannot possibly be expected to be of a nature where it goes unchallenged and/or uncontested. Change is almost always subjected to a resistance. As personnel in the organization's value chain become comfortable with processes, they become reluctant in accepting new processes that will demand time and practice to become accustomed to.

Six thinking hats is a powerful technique that is used to analyze a decision from several key viewpoints or perspectives. This forces a change in the usual way of thinking and helps us to form different views of a situation. Many successful people think from a standpoint very positive and rational. This is part of why they are successful. Often, however, fail to see a problem from an emotional perspective, intuitive, creative or negative.

The scope of change is never limited. It is because of the same reason that organizations seek to make use of change to their advantage. Change is managed through change management principles which are frequently subjected to research and analysis. In today's globalization driven corporate world, change is considered to ...
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