Information Centre Website for Telecom Companies in UK
Table of Contents
Initiatives to improve customer satisfaction3
Customer satisfaction4
Principal activities6
20 minute training8
A bottom-line improvement9
Customer-Service Assessment Checklist10
Satisfaction measures14
Customer satisfaction results15
Background and History18
Literature review and hypotheses development20
Technology acceptance factors20
Website service quality22
Specific holdup cost23
Customer satisfaction and loyalty25
Web Site Questionnaire27
Look and Feel27
Home Page27
Second Level Pages27
Industry Trends and Other Sites27
Sampling design28
Reliability and validity30
SEM analysis31
Implications and suggestions33
Technology acceptance factors33
Website service quality35
Specific holdup cost38
Limitation and future research direction42
Power Point Presentation48
Information Centre website for Telecom Companies in UK
We are a founder member of the UK telecommunications industry's initiative on publishing. PI is a voluntary, cross industry initiative, involving consumer representatives, Oftel and telecommunication companies. It has been running now for seven years, with information published by participating operators on their performance in key activities - provision, repair, network faults, complaints and billing accuracy. The data is collected by the telecommunication companies using agreed procedures. It is checked initially by independent auditors and then by an independent body, the British Approvals Board for Telecommunications, to ensure a sufficient level of comparability in the application of the audit process.
The information published highlights both the operators' internally measured performance and customer satisfaction with the specific service or activity. BT's customer satisfaction in the area of service provision achieved over 90% - the strongest performance of all participating operators. Our business customers are amongst the most satisfied with our performance in providing service, complaint handling and billing. (
Initiatives to improve customer satisfaction
Listening to our customers has helped us understand what they want from us. And what they want from us is clear: (
We must be easy to contact
We must keep them informed (we shouldn't need to be chased)
We must take ownership of their issues and champion their cause
We must live up to the commitments we make to them. (
These principles guide our initiatives to improve customer satisfaction. They demonstrate that satisfaction depends not only on price but on level of service. We don't always get it right, but we're determined to reduce to a minimum the number of times we get it wrong. The financial year 2003 saw the introduction of a number of new initiatives for customers: (
ensuring a high level of service, whatever the size of the fault
keeping in touch with customers during repair work via SMS texting
offering call diversion to a mobile - the customer's own or one lent by BT in the event of a fault.
These initiatives have all contributed to a reduction in customer dissatisfaction. (
Customer satisfaction
Over the past six months, independent market research companies have been talking to our customers throughout the UK about BT and the products and services. we provide. As part of this programme, over 110,000 Consumer and Business customers were interviewed between October 2002 and March 2003. Our research has shown that Customer satisfaction levels remain buoyant, with over 8 out of 10 of our Consumer customers expressing overall satisfaction with BT, and more than 6 out of 10 Business customers expressing overall ...