Information Technology

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Information Technology

Information Technology


Activity 2.4

Kudler Fine Foods, from the perspective of the customer, is a client amicable Web site that can be effortlessly examined without important effort or adversity from the customer. The dwelling sheet is coordinated and very rudimentary, not flashy. Each foremost department established in Kudler Fine Foods is effortlessly accessed from the dwelling sheet and each off fire from the dwelling sheet presents a well in writing recount that reports the customer. For convenience of the customers, store hours as well as store positions are supply on the dwelling sheet by hypertext connections to other Web pages. Each of the hypertext connections established on the dwelling sheet undoes another web sheet which is perfect for the customer's alleviate of use.

Currently Kudler Fine Foods' Web site is so straightforward to sustain because the Web site is mainly utilised for data only and the data that is recorded on the Web site is such that will not change on a every day cornerstone or a monthly basis. If Kudler Fine Foods does conclude to change the Web site and encompass pieces that change on a every day cornerstone or every week, the task of altering and sustaining the Web site will become demanding without the help of external Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Currently the web site sheets are utilising embedded CSS rather than of external CSS. File structure is furthermore needing because articles, images and web sheets are kept in the identical widespread book or directions rather than of identifying distinct folders or directories for each foremost type. This need of document structure will not origin grave matters for the present web sheets but will be harder to sustain by persons when alterations are to be made. One significant piece that is missing from the customer's outlook is Kudler Fine Foods' mission. The objective should be one of the first things the customer sees and brandished arrogantly on the dwelling page.

Activity 2.9

Changes suggested to the present website engage buying a new server to sustain the website. Currently the website is sustained off site through a third party. Kudler Fine Foods does not have a Web server in the IT department and this buy would advantage the business in consider to having the company's own staff sustaining the server and software. Two Computer Support Specialists are engaged by Kudler Fine Foods, one or both can be supplied teaching to sustain the website. Another supplement suggested is a much quicker application issue to the Internet. Currently the fastest attachment to the Internet supplied by the mesh infrastructure is a 56k modem. That will have to be expanded by a much quicker broadband connection. Along with the hardware alterations other suggested alterations encompass the web site as well.Additional recommendations encompass concepts from the Sales and Marketing department. The Sales and Marketing department foresee customer development and would like to encompass preparing nourishment categories sponsored by the store (Apollo Group, Inc., 2004). With this in brain, added data for those preparing ...
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