Hydro Quebec is one of the leading electrical energy generation companies in the world. It is also the biggest firm that generates electricity in Canada. Due to its huge profit, Hydro Quebec also supports Quebec government by generating huge revenue for Quebec government. Between 1997 and 2002 it generates about 5.3 billion dollar profit for Quebec government. In 1997 when electricity rate are deregulated by US government, then Hydro Quebec decides to widen their network to generate more revenue which may be affected through this de-regularization.
In 2002, company higher management finally decided to make a big change in the organization by introducing the new management techniques to manage the organization effectively. The company is first divided into six main divisions named as production, distribution, equipment, Technological development, Trans-Energy and Patrol-et-Gaz. These divisions are assigned authorities to prepare their own future plans. This is also decided that these six independent areas have the opportunity to implement their own IT plan, but all these will be monitor by three new Executive vice presidents.
After analyzing model present in the case study of Hydro Quebec, and after reading many literature related to sociotechnical change and development, we finally get the following factors that may affects the change in Hydro Quebec. These factors are very important and behave as the hurdles which should have been removed before implementing the model designed for change or to implement new business management model based on latest information technology techniques.
Internal factors that affects change in Hydro Quebec
Internal factors are those factors that are present within the Hydro Quebec and affect the change in organization.
Psychological factors
These are the factors which are present inside the organization. In case of Hydro Quebec, the psychological factors include the thinking style of the peoples of the organization because the peoples worked in the organization are basically the persons that made change. Since they worked in an environment that has no divisions that have made in the new model; therefore psychological factor is an important factor should have to be removed by management before implementing new plan and management strategy. To remove the psychological factor that affects change, management must have to arrange meeting with workers at every level to communicate the advantages, causes and needs of change in Hydro Quebec. In addition with this, lack of appreciation within the organization is also a factor that may affects change.
Gradient factors
These are the factors that relates to the economy and learning level of the employs of the Hydro Quebec. In case of Hydro Quebec, the cost required the respective change is fall in the gradient factor. However, this is easily arranged by Hydro Quebec, but this is also a factor that may affect process of change. Another important factor that falls in the category of gradient factor is the learning capability of employs. This factor deals with the ability of the employs, so that how early they can accept and learn changings occurred within the organization. Gradient factors are those factors ...