Information System Theory

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Information System Theory

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Information System Theory


Information System Theory has a lot of theories in it to be studied, but from those theories, the following two theories are very important.

Information Processing Theory

Impression Management Theory

Information Processing Theory

This assignment refers to the theoretical description of the Information Processing Theory. The information theory got initially developed in 1948, by Claude E. Shannon, an American electrical engineer. He introduced the concept in his article named, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication”. This theory is central to all endeavours of science because it allows conceiving cognitive information in a manner independent of the content, it is then that Shannon got concerned about the transmission of information and the amount achieved to convey a system artificial as phone (Meunier 2006, pp. 101-103). This is where a new term targets and binary digit or as we now know BIT came into existence. The information got created, as a representation of a material. There was the lack of the theoretical basis for the technology of communication which eventually arose from the accretion of the obstacle and the mass of means of communication such as telephone, networks and teletype systems, communication radio. Specifically, if we focus on the theory of information processing, for authors like Lachman and Butterfield, information processing considers that a few operations symbolic relatively basic, such as encoding, compare, locate, store, can ultimately, to account for the intelligence and human capacity to create knowledge, innovations and perhaps expectations about the future (Coolen 2005, pp. 56-59). The conception of the human as a processor of information based on the analogy between the human mind and the functioning of a computer.

The Information Theory

The man has uptake mechanisms of environmental information, which has set the processes of different qualities. It acts on the input information and transform it into successive states where the results got presented. The results of these prosecutions eventually exit mechanisms which man acts with its environment, got applied in fields as diverse as cybernetics, cryptography, the language, the psychology and statistics (Zins 2007, pp. 182-186). In this case, information is independent of specific physical states; apart of Shannon information which is no longer seen as intangible and subjective, but if it was a perfectly material and measurable entity. This came to be considered in a device independent representation and given the opportunity to talk about processes of representation and manipulation of information without highlighting if it was the brain or a computer that performed these processes.

Model and Shiagler

Information on basic arithmetic facts is stored in memory as nodes representing both the problems, and the responses. These nodes being in a relationship if an association between nodes and nodes problems that sometimes answers are incorrect. This association varies as correct by the force, which relates two nodes being higher for adults in association with the correct answer to the wrong one.

Model of Learning

By contrast, conceptual learning as a result of interaction between new connections and existing considers the constructivism and studies of students' earlier ...
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