The emergence of communication networks, particularly the Internet, has opened new possibilities for information exchange. At the same time are increasing threats to the security of information transmitted. It is therefore necessary to create different mechanisms intended to ensure the confidentiality and authenticity of electronic documents, all part of a new technology called cryptography. It addresses the issue of computer security, specifically the different variants crypto: symmetrical and asymmetrical. Explains some key management schemes and public private: RSA and PGP. Finally, we address some of the limitations of the solutions offered by this new discipline. However, the information security is vulnerable and liable to attack several: human errors, unfulfilled employees, disloyal employees, external interference and imponderables such as fire or natural disasters (Callas, 15- 22).
Over time, the requirements changed on the computer (internet, storage, media), the computer security tasks had to be designed differently. This leaves the concept of computer security convertible and mirror the current technological world. However, private and public companies are now in all areas of its business, individuals in most aspects of daily life depend on computer security systems. However, in addition to the risks of dependence on information security systems in companies are generally larger than for computers and networks in households is mostly driven information security in organizations (Baker, 82-83).
However, there is also the requirement of absolute security which is a system is absolutely safe if it can withstand any conceivable attack. The total security can be achieved only under special conditions that restrict the ability to work the system often significantly (isolated systems and a few highly qualified Authorized). However, the lack of computer security is a complex threat that can only be answered by a sophisticated defense system. The purchase of software is no substitute for a careful ...