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The paper discusses in detail about the disease called Influenza. It discusses the causes and the effects of Influenza along with its symptoms. The paper concludes by discussing the various ways of influenza's treatment.

Table of Contents




Influenza In-depth4

Causes of Influenza5

Effects or Symptoms of Influenza6

Treatment of Influenza7





Influenza or commonly called as Flu is the most recognized diseases and illnesses throughout the world. it is an infectious disease that usually affects Birds and mammals only. Influenza is seen throughout the world as a seasonal disease that takes the like of about half a million people every year globally, and some 50000 deaths are reported in United States each year. It is commonly confused with other influenza like diseases, such as the common cold. However, it is far more complex and serious disease than the common cold, and is also caused by a different type of virus than the common cold. The most common symptoms of influenza include chills, fever, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, muscle pain and general discomfort. But, it could also lead to nausea and vomiting in some cases particularly among children, which is then referred to as stomach flu. It may also lead to other viruses and diseases such as direct viral pneumonia, and secondary bacterial pneumonia.


Influenza In-depth

Influenza is a virus generally caused by the RNA virus that effects the respiratory tract of the infected person and causes fever, coughing and headaches. The influenza virus effects the majority of person for a week or two after which the person usually recovers without any problems. However, as compared to other illnesses and diseases of the respiratory tract such as the common cold, influenza is more severe and could be fatal at times with a mortality rate of 0.1% throughout the people of the world that get infected. Influenza can occur in two instances throughout the year, either conventional or seasonal. However, at times influenza virus can occur in situation to which the human beings have no or little immunity. These are then declared as influenza pandemic. There have been several instances of influenza pandemics throughout the world since the virus was actually discovered in 1933. The most recent pandemic of influenza occurred in 2009, by the common name of Swine Flu and the worst influenza pandemic occurred in 1918 by the common name of Spanish Flu before the actual identification of the virus that cause 40-100 million deaths worldwide (Influenza-associated pediatric deaths --- United States, September 2010--August 2011, 2011).

Causes of Influenza

The influenza virus can be caused by three types of sub viruses or three categories of viruses i.e. influenza virus A, influenza virus B and influenza virus C. the type A and B are the ones that cause influenza epidemics each year that leads to hospitalization and deaths globally. However, the type C virus is not as severe as type A and B, and only causes some minor illnesses and or shows no symptoms at all. Throughout the world, the struggle is to reduce the ...
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