Influence Of Good And Bad Stress On Police Officers

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Influence of Good and Bad Stress on Police Officers

Influence of Good and Bad Stress on Police Officers


Some professions are known for the immense stress and strain they offer, with police department being one of them. Other such professions include business, emergency medical services and correctional work, but the stress provided by police department has taken over all the other occupations. The symptom as well as the extent of stress provided by police is different from all the other occupations, and it places both positive and negative impact on the police officers. It is due to the same reason that various stress management and stress regulation programs are launched in police department from time to time, in order to ensure that the negative stress remains minimum and allows the police officials to perform their duties with ease. The following paragraph will analyze the nature, causes as well as implications of both negative and positive stress presented by the police department:


It is eminent to note that the implications of police stress are generally delayed, and the officials might not show the symptoms immediately. It is due to the same reason that police stress is differentiated from all the others, and most of the effects of police stress are presented in the form of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). The symptoms are known for showing up suddenly and out of the blue, when the officer might have forgotten the stressful event and would be sitting completely in peace.


The negative police stress is also known as the 'Cop Killer', as it keeps working silently and suddenly comes to the screen, when it is fully developed and grown to a dangerous level. The stress might develop from the general day to day affairs, which including pressurizing situations and the frustrations resulting from the failure ...
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