Indoor Positioning

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Current Indoor Positioning Techniques and the 'Locata' Technology

Current Indoor Positioning Techniques and the 'Locata' Technology


Location determination outside, also called outdoor positioning, has been common practice for years with the advent of navigation systems. It allows you to easily find the way out and go from A to B. In order to determine your location is taking advantage of satellites. This give the GPS coordinates to your mobile device and displays your position on a map. However, you are in a building where no contact with satellites is possible, then in another way your location to be determined. GPS is the best available technology for indoor positioning. Global Positioning System (GPS) is a distance circular orbit satellite navigation system. It can provide accurate positioning, velocity and precision time standard for most of the Earth's surface area (98%). System developed by the U.S. Department of Defence, and maintenance, which can meet the military users located anywhere in the world or the near-Earth space continuously and accurately determine the three-dimensional position of the three-dimensional motion and time. The system consists of 24 GPS satellites in the space; a master control station on the ground, three data injection station and five stations, and as a client of the GPS receiver. Satellite will be able to quickly determine the location and altitude of the client in the earth on which more; beyond the number of close coupled to the satellite, the more accurate the location decoded (Barnes et al, 2003).


Indoor GPS technology

GPS positioning technology is currently the most widely used. Work in the room when the GPS receiver, greatly attenuated by the influence of the building due to the signal, the positioning accuracy is also low, in order to achieve an outdoor as directly to extract the navigation data and time information from the satellite broadcasting is impossible. In order to obtain high signal sensitivity, it is necessary to extend the residence time in the delay of each code, and the A-GPS technology provides the possibility for the solution of this problem. Indoor GPS technology with a large number of correlators parallel search possible delay code, also contribute to the achievement of rapid positioning (IEEE, 2011).

The advantages of using GPS positioning satellites include: effective coverage, positioning and signal free navigation. The disadvantage is that the positioning signal reaches the ground is weak, cannot penetrate the building, but the high cost of the positioning terminal.

GPS is based on a network of military satellites. It is accessible to civilians, and is the property of the U.S. Department of Transport. GPS gives the position and altitude every second, 24 hours a day throughout in the world. At least four satellites must be visible for a position in three dimensions (height and position). Three satellites are sufficient to obtain a position in two dimensions (hold last known altitude) (Rabbany, 2002).

Use of Repeaters

A principle of using the GPS technology is to deploy repeaters in the infrastructure to disseminate GPS signals indoors. The advantages of using the repeaters include: localization ...