Individuals' Privacy and US Policy against Terrorists
In this study we try to explore the concept of “US Policy” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “US Policy” and its relation with “Individuals' Privacy”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “US Policy” and tries to gauge its effect on “Individuals' Privacy”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “US Policy” and tries to describe the overall effect of “US Policy” on “Individuals' Privacy”.
Individuals Privacy and US Policy against Terrorists
When it comes to protecting and saving lives of the American people, private invasion used in order to locate and capture potential terrorist should be unlimited. The 911 attack has provided active proof to the American peoples of the damage that terrorist groups can impose on our society. Therefore, invading the privacy of individuals may prevent future terrorist attacks. Better technology and training to detect terrorist are important steps to reduce terrorist attacks. To achieve this objective, government must authorize national and local leaders to design programs, training, and funding. Thus, high priority should be given to developing programs to detect and prevent intended attacks before they occur. In this report, the main focus is on the extent to which individuals should give up privacy so the government can find potential terrorists without harming the freedom of citizens. (Roger, 2004)
This implies that the state implement a policy of prevention and take-over its various bodies, the measures of a legislative and administrative measures to public servants responsible for enforcing the law comply, permanently and comprehensive, international and national standards relating to respect and guarantee human rights.
Research Questions
Q1: The extent to which individuals should give up privacy so the government can find potential terrorists?
Q2: Does the policy implemented by US government affect the Privacy of Individuals?
The Patriot Act was the longest emergency legislation act passed in the shortest amount of time in American history. The act was passed with three main goals. The first goal is to enhance government to government information sharing. To help achieve this goal, regulations were lifted that had kept the relations between federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities. The next goal is to allow government surveillance to move swiftly. The government lifted legal liability to allow the surveillance to occur so that everybody could share information with one another. The final main goal of the Patriot Act was to create more laws against terrorism and to expand the already existing laws intended to combat terrorism. The rules adopted to combat terrorism must refer exclusively, clear and explicit, to the realization of conduct undertaken "with intent to provoke a state of terror in the general population, a group of persons or certain people ". Since the inception of Patriot Act by the US government in 2001, the restrictive effects of the law on individual rights and freedoms were discussed. However, there are few who analyzed the international effects of its ...