Independent Reading & Book Selection

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Independent Reading & Book Selection


The significance of independent reading is undeniable. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the significance of book selection and its importance for independent reading especially within the early childhood. The most important question for parents of young children is to select the most appropriate books for their children in order to make them learn the most. Selection of reading material must be such that it can contribute positively towards the children's attainment of knowledge. The abilities and interests of children must be emphasized while selecting the books. Selecting the book remains the most important aspect of developing the habit of independent learning in young children. Educators need to analyze the relevant texts of the books along with the illustrations and examples provided in the books as well. The positive outcomes of independent reading cannot be achieved unless books are selected properly. Independent reading becomes extremely useless if this practice is not able to increase the knowledge base of the students and make students motivate to learn and read more and more books. This paper describes the significance of book selection process in relation with the habit of independent reading.

Independent Reading & Book Selection


This paper intends to discuss the significance of book selection in relation with the essential component of independent reading. The significance of independent reading is undeniable. All the important stakeholders like teachers, students and parents realize and appreciates the significance of independent reading. Reading is an extremely interactive process which makes the students able to gain knowledge about the fields of interest. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the significance of book selection and its importance for independent reading especially within the early childhood.


Independent reading remains the most important aspect of the development of children. Children who possess the habit of reading independently are clearly distinguishable through their widespread wisdom and knowledge amongst their age mates. Moreover, the significance of independent reading is always recognized and appreciated by the parents and teachers both. It has been agreed upon that independent reading remains the most important aspect to build content knowledge and to improve vocabulary of the young children (Camille & Donna, 2008).

The learning of early childhood is the most effective and long run. Children who tend to possess the maximum knowledge within their early childhood age are those who usually succeed in their lives ahead. The most important question for parents of young children is to select the most appropriate books for their children in order to make them learn the most. Selection of reading material must be such that it can contribute positively towards the children's attainment of knowledge. The abilities and interests of children must be emphasized while selecting the books (Mark, 2009).

In order to maximize the learning process, it becomes extremely important to select the right kind of books for the children. The basic thing that all the teachers and parents need to consider is that they ...
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