Recently the world has gone through the worst economic conditions in recent history. The economies and Companies are tumbling in all the regions of the world. Companies not only have to save it from external economic pressures but it also have to keep the firm united internally. The firm need to make its organization work as one unit in order to against the bad conditions faced economically and financially. The first thing that gets affected due to the bad economic conditions is the level of motivation among all the pillars of an organization. These pillars include employees, management, stakeholders and etc. The report will analyse and find out the ways that need to be taken in order to keep the level of motivation same inside the company, especially during bad periods of the economy.
According to Baldwin, it is getting tougher and tougher for the owners of the organization to keep the morale level in them, in their employees and their stakeholders at the same level during the hard times faced by the economies. The level of morale in an organization if increases or decreases will have a direct impact on the performance of the organization this is the reason why it is the first priority of the owners to protect the morale in a declining economy. According to Baldwin those owners or industrialists who try to make extra efforts will be able to remain in a better position in case of a worsening economy. In times of bad economic conditions when everything is on the downward track it is very important to increase the moral of the company as a whole. There are different measures that can be taken in order to improve the morale of the company as a whole.
According to Penny (2010) it has becoming a challenge for the owners of the different companies to keep the level of morale at the same level in bad economic conditions. According to her if the motivation regarding issues is not dealt then it lead towards direct impact on the customer services and will have an impact on the quality of the products. The following are the key steps or decisions that can be taken in order to maintain a positive environment in the organization, these are: 1) the most important thing owners and the management need to do is ...