In-Line Manufacturing Of A 1-2 Gwp Cdte Photovoltaic Factories

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In-Line Manufacturing Of A 1-2 Gwp Cdte Photovoltaic Factories


This paper explains A Conceptual Design and Detailed Costing for Continuous In-Line Manufacturing of a 1-2 GWp CdTe Photovoltaic Factories utilizing industrial symbiosis to obtain economies of scale and increased manufacturing efficiencies for solar PV cells in order for solar electricity to compete economically with fossil fuel-fired electricity. The state of PV manufacturing, the market and the effects of scale on both are reviewed. Government policies necessary to construct a multi-gigaWatt PV factory and complementary policies to protect existing solar companies are outlined and the technical requirements for a symbiotic industrial system are explored to increase the manufacturing efficiency while improving the environmental impact of PV. The results of the analysis show that an eight-factory industrial symbiotic system can be viewed as a medium-term investment by any government, which will not only obtain direct financial return, but also an improved global environment. The technical concepts and policy limitations to this approach were analyzed and it was found that symbiotic growth will help to mitigate many of the limitations of PV and is likely to catalyze mass manufacturing of PV by transparently demonstrating that large-scale PV manufacturing is technically feasible and reaches an enormous untapped market for PV with low costs.



Chapter 65

Solar photovoltaic manufacturing5

Photovoltaic production5

The photovoltaic market6

A Conceptual Design8

Industrial symbiosis in PV production10

Scale and photovoltaic production11

Climate data16

Parameter optimization22

Surface tilt angle optimization22

Array size optimization28

System design and consideration32

System design and consideration33

Array configuration33

Grid connected photovoltaic system34

Operational considerations35

Performance simulation and economic analysis37

Chapter VII41

Limitations to approach and potential solutions41



In-Line Manufacturing Of A 1-2 Gwp Cdte Photovoltaic Factories

Chapter 6

Solar photovoltaic manufacturing

Photovoltaic production

Although PV electricity production is a technically feasible method of providing for the world's energy needs and mitigating human interference with the climate, the technology will not be more than a boutique energy source until economic costs are driven down to be directly competitive with fossil fuel-fired electricity. (Klein and Beckman, Klein, S.A., Beckman, W.A., 2001)

There is intense interest and often government support throughout the world for PV. Although the well-intentioned government programs including government-funded research, information/education campaigns, national renewable energy plans, regulations/standards, guaranteed markets, green pricing such as the 'standard offer' to buy solar electricity at a premium by the Ontario government , and financial incentives such as 100,000 roof program in Germany expanded the manufacturing of PV, they are largely inconsequential in the energy budget of an expanding world. Both industry and government are moving slowly towards the solar energy transition, but PV electrical production still makes up much less than 1% of the total world energy market. A catalyst to speed up the scaling of PV manufacturing is needed and J.M. Pearce, Catalyzing mass production of solar photovoltaic cells using university driven green purchasing. Most global governments are financially secure enough to take advantage of this opportunity and become this necessary medium of change.

There has been significant progress in the last 30 years in the performance of solar ...
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