In response to the request made by your school on November 04, our company has formulated a plan to enhance quality of education at your ABC public school. This plan has been proposed after analyzing, evaluating and examining the problems your school is facing and also evaluating different possible options to overcome them. After extensive research, our company is pleased to present this proposal which summarizes considerations for each feasible option.
Based on our research it is recommended to you that, your school should work on students; assessments, teachers' professional development, the team work among them along with promoting creativity in students. We hope that this proposal will provide beneficial insights to overcome the issues your school is facing regarding education. Table of Contents
Executive Summary4
Assessment of students5
Fostering creativity and innovation in students7
Fostering teamwork in teachers and students8
Teacher's Professional Development9
Executive Summary
The ABC Public school of this county is facing issues regarding quality education for few years. The XYZ Company is providing with a plan to enhance their education provision. The plan includes four steps to follow and that are enhancing student's assessment system, promoting creativity and innovation among students through introduction of music and arts subjects. The plan also emphasizes upon fostering teachers and students teamwork so that they both can become an integral part of the plan and finally, the plan stresses upon teachers' professional development which they need to become competitive and efficient.
Improvement Plan in Public Education
The ABC Public school of this county is facing issues regarding quality education for few years. In order to overcome these issues, the school needs to device an improvement plan for enhancing the quality education. The company, XYZ, will provide them with a proposal to solve their educational problems. The proposal will focus on four areas in which the school should work and i.e. students' assessments, fostering creativity among students, fostering teamwork in teachers and students and working for teacher's professional development. This report will serve as a guiding document for the ABC Public School and will help it to optimize the academic excellence of the institution which will ultimately prepare students becoming contributing part for the state and the country.
Assessment of students
Assessments of students are the central part of the learning experience they have in any educational institution. It is because; their assessment provides the understandings regarding their ability to progress and knowledge about the curriculum. At the same time, student's assessments also provide teachers to design or formulate strategies to overcome their problems and to provide students with better education.
The teacher will use assessment techniques that reasonably may indicate the student's situation. These techniques are:
- Traditional exams.
- Evaluation of past work.
- Exploration objective with appropriate tests and test.
The evaluation of student performance will be done according to previously identified targets. And with regard to the possibility of promotion or not students, evaluation contested in the background will classify students into two groups: ...