Importance Of Language In Concept Formation

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Importance of Language in Concept Formation

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Importance of Language in Concept Formation


This essay explores language in concept formation. The paper will examine learning in a child's early years. It will consider language and it importance in the young child learning along with theoretical perspective concerning young children learning. It will then explore theories of cognitive development and consider Vygotsky and Piaget theory of the child's speech and thought. Moreover, the research will support the analysis with evidence from different theories and researches. Finally, it will consider the adult role in supporting children's learning and explore Vygotsky's concept of the importance of the zone of proximal development in concept development.


Constructivism refers to an epistemology, knowledge theory used to describe what is known and how it is known. This may be of huge relevance to the trainers and teachers as referent. This standpoint argues that knowledge dwells in the individual and its knowledge is not transmittable from of teacher's heads to those of the learners. To learn and to make sense of what occurs eventually rests with the individual child. Feelings, beliefs and values of children have an impact on their conceptual development (Alexander, 2008, pp.8-62).

Cognitivists are advocates of interactional perception on acquisition of language have sustained that language is learned because of the child's active role, children consider that in the process of learning. The theory suggests that children are born with the tendency to take action on the surroundings, information process and arrive to conclusions regarding the language structure. The association between cognitive development and language has of great interest to cognitive psychologists and linguists over several years. Although, Piaget who is the pioneer in the cognitive sciences field was very vigorous in his viewpoints and considered language as secondary to the basic process of thinking; however, language should regard as a reflective instrument working in place of the intellect. In concept development, language has a very important role (Hargreaves & Galton, 2009, pp.1-6).

When a child is exposed to some information that challenges the existing information, cognitive conflict arises. This resulted in asymmetry and to resolve the conflict concepts are formed. “Cognitive dissonance” concept is defined by Vygotsky. He apparently differentiates between the flow of language and the flow of thought. Moreover, Vygotsky put forward his viewpoints regarding the relationship between language and thought with reference to theories phylogeny of intellectual development (Vygotsky, 1986, pp.1-210).

Psycholinguists have asserted that the reflective language use carries with it as augmented consciousness of language role. Along with this increase in a child consciousness come control over an individual's conduct and expands to take control over a person's thinking. This transforms the thinking character together with the manners where awareness, memory and other functions of cognitive are prepared. The appropriate language use assists these cognitive faculties development that are so vital for learning of school. The development of intellectual or cognitive refer to a decontextualization process of meaning of the word through adult ...
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