The aim of this study is first to know ERP systems and basically what has been globally genesis of these systems and their evolution to their situation current. Second confirm or reject some of the basic assumptions about the outcome of implementation in Gidel & Kocal Construction Company, Inc such as: "The facilities intrinsic ERP-type systems are used by the company to integrate existing technological facilities?”The structure functional enterprise is affected by the implementation ERP type system? What is the module that company sees as key to achieving its mission? “The expected benefits are observed by companies that incorporated an ERP-type system? "Management Control improvement due to the integration of functional areas the company? The work has the following structure development. In the first part describes the characteristics relevant to major ERP systems and the main type benefits as the main disadvantages of these present solutions. The following is the methodology used in achieving the objectives. It continues with development of theme, the core of the study to complete with the conclusions that emerge from the discussion that makes in the development and that are summarized at the end.
Background of the Gidel & Kocal Construction Company, Inc
For over period of years, Gidel & Kocal Construction Company has provided quality management of construction project needs for commercial property and facility managers throughout northern California, Washington, Oregon, Texas, and Mexico. The building materials market, "PROFILE" works for you since 2000 Over the years, this organization, as a supplier of a wide range of building materials, has become known for many leading companies in this area, contractors and private clients not only across the North-West but also in other regions of the country. Stiff competition, the pace of development of production, strong demand for choice of quality materials dictate the conditions under which staff "Profile" is committed to providing their customers the maximum range of services.
Current Business Issues of Gidel & Kocal Construction
Current Business requirements of Gidel & Kocal Construction are flexible system of payment, high product quality, validation of the guarantee and certificates, manage short delivery times, and provide wide range of goods and constant supply of goods in warehouses.
Discussion of Proposed Solution in Gidel & Kocal Construction Company, Inc
These systems were first developed in USA during the Second World War, with the aim of supporting management of material resources demanded by the military. They were called MRPs (Material Requirements Planning Systems), or systems requirements planning materials. In the 60's, manufacturing companies took up the idea of MRPs to manage and streamline inventories and resource use planning according to the real demand for their products, so that evolve MRPs to MRP (Manufacturing Resource Planning). In the 80's use of these systems include concepts such as "Just in Time "Managing the relationship with customers and suppliers, other, so as to fully evolve MRP what is known as MRP II. In the 90's, a product of globalization began requiring companies to support systems business management, integrated parts of ...