Implementation And Control

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Implementation And Control

Implementation And Control

Plan for Implementing the Strategies

Reasonable goals are an essential component of effective planning, but they do not provide fully adequate guidance for decision-making and behavior. The purpose states that the organization wants to achieve and when she wants to get the desired result. The method of achieving the goal - how - seen only in a common sense - namely, what business does the organization. This approach allows great freedom of action (Nag, Hambrick, et al, 2007). Employees are responsible for achieving the objectives, driven by even the best intentions can easily choose a course of action or behave in a way that does not achieve the goals. To avoid such confusion and misinterpretation, management should develop plans for additional and guidance for the objectives and establish a process of implementing the strategic plan (Nag, Hambrick, et al, 2007, p. 935-955).

The main objective of these directives is the orientation of future decisions and behavior on the implementation of alternatives, which management believes is favorable to achieve a common goal. The basic idea is the closer alignment of actions and not to use some intellectual straitjacket. The main components of a systematic plan will be tactics, policies, procedures and rules (Nag, Hambrick, et al, 2007, p. 935-955).


Just as, a guide produces short-term goals that are consistent with long-term and to facilitate their achievement, it also often needs to develop short-term plans, consistent with its general long-term plans. Such short-term strategies called tactics. For example, a game move is a tactic, a coherent overall strategy (Johnson, Scholes, et al, 2008, p. 24-25). Advertising "Food items" in restaurant vendors will be tactics, consistent with Rock Star Ribz Inc. strategy aimed at increasing its market share (Johnson, Scholes, et al, 2008, p. 24-25). Here, are some of the characteristics of tactical plans:

Develop tactics to strategy development.

While the strategy is almost always designed to the highest levels of leadership, tactics routinely produced at the level of middle management.

The tactic designed for a shorter time span than strategy.

While the results of the strategy cannot be fully identified for several years, the strategic results usually appear very quickly and easily relate to actions (Johnson, Scholes, et al, 2008, p. 24-25).


Once the long-term and tactical plans developed, Rock Star Ribz Inc. management should begin to develop additional guidelines to avoid confusion and misinterpretation of the plans. This stage involves the process of implementing a policy action. A policy is a general guide to action and decision-making that facilitates achievement of objectives (Mulcaster, 2009, p. 81-85).

The policy usually formulated by senior managers for a long time. According to Steiner and Miner, "The policy can be regarded as "the Code", which determines the direction in which the action may be taken. The policy directs the action to achieve the goal or task. It explains how the objectives are to be achieved by setting milestones that must be followed. It designed to preserve the constancy of purpose and in order to avoid making short-sighted decisions based ...
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