Impact of Unfair Sentencing on The Federal Bureau of Prisons
Impact of Unfair Sentencing on The Federal Bureau of Prisons
Unfair sentencing is a practice that is very common in the criminal justice system. There are organizations that are impacted by this in both ways i.e. positively as well as negatively. This means that the people should make sure that they implement the right case and judgment that is applicable in the case. The legal system has undergone change, and some changes have impacted the criminal justice organizations to a great extent. Unfair sentencing is one of these. It has impacted the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the most in a negative manner.
Unfair sentencing is very common in the criminal system these days. This is due to the increase in racism. This means that the people in the country have to face such issues due to the race that they belong to. If the person is black, he will be the one who will be accused of a crime. The criminal system is biased and favors the whites. This should not be the case because the criminal system should be unbiased and it should be made sure that the equality prevails in the country. This shows that the Federal Bureau of Prisons is unable to work as it should. It promises people to reduce crime, but with the practice of unfair sentencing, the crime rate has increased.
Justice is another factor that should be considered by the legal system. All these are important factors of a legal system and the people associated with it should be able to incorporate these factors in the system so that it runs smoothly and effectively (Memmott, 2011). Ideally, a legal system should have all these factors and should make sure that it works in a manner that is suitable ...