Impact Of Social Discrimination On Students' Learning Experiences

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Impact of Social Discrimination on Students' Learning Experiences

Impact of Social Discrimination on Students' Learning Experiences


The researchers and theorists claimed that the mankind is living in the most modern and civilized age of human history. The mankind has reached to this age due to hard work, accepting rights of each other and giving required space to each other. There are certain types of laws and ethical standards which compel the mankind to respect each other. However, the mankind still used to discriminate each other on social grounds. The reasons behind social discrimination are various such as economical, race, ethnicity, caste, color and immigrants. It is commonly seen that the groups who are in majority used to discriminate the minorities in social settings. The discriminating behavior in social setting has lots of consequences on the groups or people who experience discrimination. The consequences of social discrimination are very wide and have potential to destroy a person or a race. The person who experience social discrimination believes that he or she is not fit in the society and feel displaced. Social expectations in adolescents can usually cause societal problems such as racism and ethnicity. Racism and ethnicity can affect any student who attempts to socially interact with their peer. Many times, this can occur when students struggle to build friendship in or out of their school. When this issue arises, students tend to face social problems which can lead to peer-pressure, bullying, rejection, dropout, and communal inequality (Scott, 2009).

Unsolvable ethnical issues can be escalated among teenage students that may impact their education. This situation needs to be improved as to prepare students of all educational levels to accept others regardless of their ethnicity, race, and nationality (Jung, 2007). The students or youth of any nation are supposed to be the future leaders and the next generation. Therefore, the students must be provided with equal attention and facilities to make them effective future leaders. The students are supposed to learn latest knowledge with hopes of addressing future challenges in effective way which is only possible if they are given with required amount of respect and attention because this is the basic requirement for mental peace which is more essential than the books and equipments. The report will cover literature review on the social discrimination and will highlight the consequences of social discrimination on students (Leach, 2010).

The report will provide in depth analysis by answering certain research questions with the references of renowned theorist which in turn makes the report more reliable and authentic. The research has proved that the cognitive behavior of human is developed in the childhood and in early age. If the students witnessed socially discriminating behavior then the student's cognitive development will definitely be affected. The social discrimination will reduce their mental abilities because it tuned the mentality in negative way. The research also showed that the experiences of early age have the most long lasting influence on the person's behavior, personality and cognitive ...
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