Impact Of Scientific Management

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Impact of Scientific Management


This article examines how scientific management has made a significant contribution to the corporate world today. The ideas and thoughts developed by Taylor F.W at some stage in the end of 19th century and into the early 20th century still have a place in current management thinking. A manager, regardless of position, must use the ideas of scientific management carefully with an understanding that it is somewhat limited to a mechanistic, closed environmental view of an organization. Improvements can certainly be made by carefully examining work processes, designing then implementing changes but consideration needs to be given to a more holistic view of the organization, encompassing human needs, open systems and analysis of power just to name a few.


Scientific management was the first systematic approach in the history of management thought. It's most important feature is related to finding the most productive use of human and material resources. Taylor identifies the following management practices:

separation of manufacturing operations into its constituent elements

approach to management as an active factor of production

division of labor directly in governance

allocation planning as a special control functions

application of the principle of forced centralization of tools, processes, and working conditions and methods of work

introduction of a card of instructions

introduction of high scientific standards of time on individual transactions;

improving wages to stimulate growth in output

strict hierarchical subordination

Close cooperation of administration and the workers (Taylor, 1947)

The scientific management to substantiate the need for labor management in order to improve its productivity, has formulated principles and methods of scientific labor organization and set the task of effectively motivating employees, recognizing its most important of all management tasks (Nelson, 1980).

The development of science "management" is closely connected with the general stages of development of management science. Prior to Taylor's drive increased productivity was the principle of "carrot" - how many do so much and you'll get. However, this approach by the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century has been exhausted.

With the development of industry management could be based on such a primitive manner. Taylor came to the idea to organize a work which "involves the production of numerous regulations, laws and formulas that would replace the personal opinions of the individual employee and that can be usefully applicability only after it is produced statistics, measurement, and so on, their actions" . According to Taylor, the singer was unable to cover the production process as a whole, especially as it is constantly changing action. Thus, in the beginning of the century the role of the manager in deciding what to do to the Executive, as do, to what extent, grew immensely, and regulation of the artist took extreme forms. In this time, the role of management has increased significantly; any process of production means by itself the presence of management and the urgency of this work.

The term "scientific management" was first proposed in 1910 by L. Braydeysom. After the death of Taylor is the name is universally ...
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