Impact Of Political Culture In Us States

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Impact of Political Culture in US States

Impact of Political Culture in US States

Political culture

Political culture refers to the distinguishing beliefs, values, attitudes, habits, and behavior patterns that characterize a political community. Political culture is made up of cognitive, affective and evaluative orientations towards the political system and political culture in this sense is part of the general culture of society and thus affect the general culture and influenced by culture political find sources in the inheritance of history and society and in political and economic conditions and the ideology prevailing in society as well as the political culture affects the culture of the community through its support of the continuation of the conditions or seek to change. Also it is to be known that the political culture of any society is completely stable, but is subject to change and this change occurs in response to shifts in society, either politically or economically or socially and sought political culture to adapt to these new situations. (Flanagan, 2000)

In addition to the existence of a common denominator of political culture among the members of the community as a whole, but this would prevent the existence of a number of political cultures that may be associated with place of residence, like the culture of the people of cities and the culture of rural people or differences generational such as the culture of adult and youth culture or the differences between the culture of the masses and the culture of the elite. For example, are the elite that she is a modern and rational, while the masses are characterized by a culture with CB and fatalism? As well as a culture characterized by adults seeking to maintain the old values and resistance to change, while that young people accept the new values and seeks to change existing conditions. (Finkel, 2001)

In the culture of political parties, especially the element is traditional (contained in our definition) is very present, and the idea of beliefs that dictate ways of acting common to a group at some point.

Impact of political culture in society

The political culture of any society on a number of political values ranging content in the following:

1)Freedom and Intimidation

The political culture that might confirm the value of freedom, here, the obedience of the individual to the authority of the ruling is based on the conviction, not fear and have the individual's sense of ability to influence the course of political life and active participation, or may confirm the value of coercion in this case usually comply with the individual to the government out of fear, not missing a sense of conviction and the ability to influence political. (Easton, 2000)

2)Uncertainty and confidence

Where is the element of doubt or confidence in the ruling authority in a key element of political trust with the extent to which the confidence of an individual or form of government on the nature of the government's conduct toward individuals and their responsiveness to their demands as ...
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