Impact Of Health Promotion On Childhood Obesity

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Impact of Health Promotion on Childhood Obesity





Background of the study1

Aim of the research2

Significance of the Research2

Research Questions2

Ethical Considerations2



Mistakes Made By Parents of Children Facing With Child Obesity4

Obesity Problems in Children5

Health Promotion in Combating Child Hood Obesity6

Treatment of obesity8

Nutritional Assessment8





Background of the study

Obesity has been recognized in human populations for thousands of years. Historically, evidence of human obesity dates to prehistoric times and is depicted in the Stone Age statues of obese human forms. The paintings of Ruben display an ideal female form that is obese by today's western standards. In many cultures, obesity was a visible sign of wealth and prosperity. During the Greco-Roman period, Hippocrates recognized the health hazards of obesity including sudden death and infertility. Stigmatization of obesity appears in the history of the Greco-Roman period; Galen viewed obesity as a sign of personal inadequacy. Today emphasis in the modern western world is on sliminess, leanness, and fitness in adults and older children. Ironically this new concept of the ideal body image has developed in conjunction with increasing prevalence of obesity in all age groups of the population. Obesity is a problem for human beings throughout the life-span, including the years of infancy and childhood(Wisotsky,2003,pp 48).

Obesity in infancy is not solely a problem in that age group, but is related to persistence of obesity into later childhood and adult life. With extensive data from studies on twins and on families, researchers have established that obesity is influenced by genetic factors. However, genetic background alone cannot explain the increasing prevalence of obesity in developed countries. The prevalence of obesity (triceps skin fold measurement >85th percentile) among children 6 to ii years old increased 54% in the years between the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and the second survey. In the same period, the prevalence of super obesity (triceps skin fold measurement >95th percentile) increased 98% among children in the same age range. While genetic influences largely determine whether a person can become obese, psychosocial and socio cultural influences in the environment determine whether such a person does become obese and the extent of that obesity(Viner,2005,pp 45).

Aim of the research

The research aims to find the ways of effective health promotion in combating child hood obesity

Significance of the Research

The research will be very useful to help the readers to understand the concept of childhood obesity and its proper treatment. Moreover, it will help to identify the different ways of effective health promotion in combating childhood obesity.

Research Questions

The study will analyze the following research questions

What is the childhood obesity?

What is the impact of childhood obesity on the lives of children?

What is the proper treatement of childhood obesity?

What are the ways of Health Promotion in Combating Child Hood Obesity?

Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations are given a great level of importance when a research for a particular study is being conducted by the researcher. The main focus of ethical considerations in a research is given to genuine information granted by the respondents of ...
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