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Describing the economic and social conditions that have been impacted due the immigration, however, the Americans are still dealing with the procedure of immigration.


Developed countries have been continuously involved in increasing their workforce to improve the economy

American Hate for Immigrants

Americans hate to welcome immigrants due to increase in poverty level and due to increase in unemployment rate.

Illegal immigration:

The major cause of increase in crimes is the issue of Illegal immigration that, with so many restrictions, is still prevailing in America.

Demographic trends

Highest numbers of immigration are mainly faced in America.

Socio-economic status

Demographic trends identify the immigration people who are mostly faced by poverty with the highest rate and those who are involved in the crimes in America after illegal immigration.

Cultural contribution

Culture contributed mainly in making America the ideal country for immigration

Political participation

The voters are mainly those who are the immigrants from different countries as much population of America is not neutralized.


America has a vision to maintain their social and economic status. As a matter of fact, they still face with number of issues but still consider the immigration as a source of boosting their economy and workforce.


Immigration is the arrival of persons to a country from abroad. An immigrant is someone who seeks to improve the quality of living and even survival at the individual level. May includes mass migration produced before the revitalization of a state, and the movement within the country: internal migration and rural exodus. Why is it so hard for a liberal democratic state to control immigration? The study of the political process and the interaction between government and markets work shows the difficulties these countries face in this area. The American government in this regard shows particular interest: it is perceived as strong, capable of intervening in the market.

The economic and social conditions have yet weighed on migration flows more than the actions of the state as they are expressed in public policy. The actions to reduce non-legal migration to the USA, have increased after the terrorist attacks of September 11, it is clear anti-immigrant policy. However, communication networks built by these subjects to get to the other side in search of the American dream have been solid. This paper describes the recent immigration trends in the United States that discuss the large immigrant population, socio-economic, cultural and political implications that rise with the immigration. Even with the strong limitations on the immigrants, U.S.A still requires the immigrants to increase their workforce in order to maintain the growth and sustain the economy (Peri, 2010).


According to the wishes of the economy, the granting of visas will continue to adapt the demand for labor." From the economic point of view there are two types of immigrants that increase the workforce of countries. Countries like the United States remain today the fate of trained manpower, necessary to the strong development of current technology from countries like India and China.

U.S. severely limits the flow of migration, economic argument of unfair competition, it would mean to the citizens manpower at low ...
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