Image Of Beauty In The Media

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Image of Beauty in the Media


Image of beauty in media is no less than a skinny flawless princess shown in children's sories. Women's magazines are probably among the best promoters of a beauty that is based on youth and thinness excessive. Their pages are often filled with retouched photos and articles extolling the popular new diet or miracle anti-wrinkle cream. Research shows that these magazines are 10 times as many articles and advertisements promoting thinness than their male counterparts. Over three quarters of their cover pages have at least one title on the best way to change his appearance, whether through diet, an exercise program or cosmetic surgery. Finally, the apparent age of the women represented in magazines is systematically lower than the target group of the magazine. Of course, magazines and advertising are not only to promote an unattainable ideal of beauty. Film and television contribute greatly to the spread. Actresses in television series and movies are generally becoming thinner and younger and younger. However, some media are timid efforts to provide a more realistic picture of women (Romer,189).

In short, like their elders, young girls have become the "Food Victims" of a society obsessed with the cult of thinness. Why this obsession? - The film, advertising, magazines bombard us with images of skinny celebrities that teenagers take for models. Aesthetics scholars and philosophers have not yet agreed on the definition of beauty. Many scholars believe that beauty is what is pleasing to the senses and therefore gives pleasure, but not all pleasure because we have to be beautiful. Beauty is not defined, it is recognized. It is a quality, a concept, a feeling, which is characterized by its relativity: there is no universal standard even though there are approaches to all, close to the perfection that exists only as an ideal. It has been long said that beauty lies in the eye of beholder and it varies from culture to culture. Our perception of physical beauty is based on closely others features attracts us. The person who is characterized as “beautiful” is based on the contribution of inner beauty which includes various factors which include personality, grace, politeness, integrity, charisma and elegance and outer beauty (physical attractiveness) which includes physical attributes (Flew,101).

Power and influence of human beauty

Beauty is real. It can be expressed with the help of art of power and wealth. The medium through which beauty can come into this world is through art; foreseeing the principles of power and wealth, art becomes the form to the standards by which the world evaluates itself. Standards of beauty have changed over time as a result of culture and differences of values. Historically, the paintings showed wide range of standards of beauty. Similarly, human beings with delicate features, smooth skin, and well proportionate body were considered as most beautiful throughout the history. Beauty is mainly associated with feminine and their features. The changing social and cultural contexts have therefore transformed the male and female bodies. The smile of the Mona ...
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