Illnesses That Affect The Elderly

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Alzheimer's disease: Illnesses That Affect the Elderly

Alzheimer's disease: Illnesses That Affect the Elderly


Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. Dementia is the loss of intellectual and social abilities severe enough to interfere with daily functioning. It occurs in people with Alzheimer's disease because healthy brain tissue degenerates? causing a decline in memory and mental abilities. (Cummings 2002) More than 4 million Americans have Alzheimer's. It usually develops in those ages 65 or older. This number is expected to triple in the next 20 years as more people live into their 80s and 90s. Although there's no cure or way to prevent Alzheimer's disease? researchers have made progress in the last 5 years. Treatments are available that help improve the quality of life for people with Alzheimer's. (Waldemar 2007) Also? more drugs are being studied? and scientists have discovered several genes associated with Alzheimer's? which may lead to new treatments to block progression of this disease. Caring for someone with Alzheimer's takes patience and a focus on the things a person can still do and enjoy. Those with Alzheimer's need support and affection from friends and family to cope. (Bäckman 2004)


Alzheimer's disease is a progressive brain disorder that gradually destroys a person's memory and ability to learn reason? make judgments? communicate and carry out daily activities. As Alzheimer's progresses? individuals may also experience changes in personality and behavior? such as anxiety? and suspiciousness or? (Schindowski 2008) as well as delusions or hallucinations. Although there is currently no cure for Alzheimer's? new treatments are on the way. Research has also shown that effective care and support can improve quality of life for individuals over the course of the disease from diagnosis to the end of life. (Hardell 2008)

Causes of Dementia

Alzheimer's is the leading cause of dementia? a group of conditions that all gradually destroy brain cells and lead to progressive decline in mental function. Vascular dementia? another common form? results from reduced blood flow to the brain's nerve cells. In some cases? Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia can occur together in a condition called "mixed dementia.

Alzheimer's disease advances at widely different rates. The extent of the illness may be from 3 to 20 years. (Waldemar 2007) The areas of the brain that control memory and thinking skills are affected first? but as the disease progresses? cells die in other regions of the brain. Eventually? the person with Alzheimer's will need complete care. (Stern 2006) If the individual has no other serious illness? the loss of brain function itself will cause death.

Risk Factors

Scientists believe that whatever triggers Alzheimer's disease begins to damage the brain years before symptoms appear. When symptoms emerge? nerve cells that process? store and retrieve information have already begun to collapse and die. Amyloidal plaques are clumps of protein that build up outside the brain's nerve cells. Tangles are twisted strands of another protein that form inside cells. Scientists do not yet know whether plaques or tangles cause ...
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