Identity Theft

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Identity Theft

Identity Theft:Proposal

Background: Review Of literature

Identity theft is defined as where a consumer's personal information has been obtained and used illegally by thieves, terrorists, and even by illegal immigrates to obtain false documents. Although identity theft is often heralded as a new crime threat, the phenomenon itself is by no means unique to the information age. Throughout history, criminals have used false identities to commit their crimes. However, as identity theft emerges as a growing crime problem in the 21st century, it has new characteristics which are closely linked with the features of a global and technologically advanced society.

According to FBI statistics identity theft is the most rapidly growing white collar crime in the US. There were 500,000 to 750,000 cases reported in 2001. The increase has been related to identity theft being considered a “nontraditional crime”. Where in some cases law enforcement lacks adequate resources to investigate reports of identity theft, do to priority of other crimes like homicides, drug related crimes, and other violent crimes, the complex nature of investigating the crime do to jurisdictional issues, and with the high profits and a low probability of getting caught and punished, why wouldn't thieves take advantage of the situation that will end up cost to consumers, government, and corporations totaling in the billions and growing. By these statistics alone it is perceived that though the government has laws and programs to assist with identity of theft it is the responsibility of the consumer to protect their good name by staying informed and educated on all of the aspects of identity theft and what they need to do if they become a victim of identity theft.

Victims of identity theft, as a rule, do not even know that they have been targeted until it is up to the end. Identity theft can take years and a lot of money to see, as long as credit is ruined, and lives destroyed. As with other crimes, we can not fully control, if we are victims, but we can be aware of how criminals get our personal information, how to reduce the risk of being a victim and some useful information about what to do after the crime (US Department of Justice, 2001).

There are different ways to tell whether or not ID theft has not happened. Always turn bank statements, check whether or not an unexplained charges or removes posted to your account. Receiving calls for the collection of accounts that the consumer never opened another key if you have been targeted (McClure, Scambray, 2002). Another possible indicator that identity theft occurs when consumers can not get the usual bills, or other communications, usually comes at a certain time each month. Receiving credit cards that have never been used, or the denial of credit for no apparent reasons, may also be indicative of what you as a consumer have been the victims of this terrible crime. Even though persons have defended themselves there is still a possibility that ...
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