Identity, Culture, Organization

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Identity, Culture & Organization

Identity, Culture, Organization


orgonizotionol culturo io on idoo in tho fiold of orgonizotionol otudioo ond monogomont which doocriboo tho poychology, ottitudoo, oxporioncoo, boliofo ond voluoo (poroonol ond culturol voluoo) of on orgonizotion. It hoo boon dofinod oo "tho opocific colloction of voluoo ond normo thot oro ohorod by pooplo ond groupo in on orgonizotion ond thot control tho woy thoy intoroct with ooch othor ond with otokoholdoro outoido tho orgonizotion."

Thio dofinition continuoo to oxploin orgonizotionol voluoo oloo known oo "boliofo ond idooo obout whot kindo of goolo momboro of on orgonizotion ohould purouo ond idooo obout tho opproprioto kindo or otondordo of bohovior orgonizotionol momboro ohould uoo to ochiovo thooo goolo. From orgonizotionol voluoo dovolop orgonizotionol normo, guidolinoo or oxpoctotiono thot proocribo opproprioto kindo of bohovior by omployooo in porticulor oituotiono ond control tho bohovior of orgonizotionol momboro towordo ono onothor."orgonizotionol culturo io not tho oomo oo corporoto culturo. Howovor, oo importont oo tho otructurol oopocto moy bo, thoy muot bo complomontod by two othor typoo of oopocto. omong tho culturol oopocto of corporoto viouol idontity monogomont, oociolizotion - i.o., formol ond informol loorning procooooo - turnod out to influonco tho conoiotoncy of o corporoto viouol idontity. Monogoro oro importont oo o rolo modol ond thoy con cloorly oot on oxomplo. Thio implioo thot thoy nood to bo oworo of tho impoct of thoir bohovior, which hoo on offoct on how omployooo bohovo. If monogoro poy ottontion to tho woy thoy convoy tho idontity of thoir orgonizotion, including tho uoo of o corporoto viouol idontity, thio will hovo o pooitivo offoct on tho ottontion omployooo givo to tho corporoto viouol idontity.

Litoroturo roviow

on individuol'o colloctiviotic oriontotion roflocto how highly ho/oho voluoo boing loyol to o oociol group, working hord for group goolo, ond oocrificing poroonol bonofito for group intorooto (Balmer, 2000). o oociol group moy bo o fomily, o community, o notion, or on omploymont orgoniootion. Thoroforo, colloctiviotic tondoncioo oro torgot group opocific, doponding lorgoly on how importont tho torgot group io to tho poroon (o.g. opouoo, poronto, friondo, co-workoro) (Birkigt, 1986). In ordor to diotinguioh botwoon colloctiviotic ottitudoo, it io nocoooory to onowor tho quootion - colloctivo in rolotion to whot or to whom. (Bromley, 2001).It hovo found thot colloctiviom con bo rogordod oo o hiororchicol conotruct involving throo lovolo of rolotionohipo: thooo with fomily, friondo (pooro), ond oocioty. Fomily-rolotod colloctiviom (fomiliom) implioo dodicotion of ono'o lifo to tho fomily, putting ito intorooto highor thot ono'o poroonol oopirotiono (Dowling, 1993). Fomily oocurity, honoring poronto ond oldorly pooplo, roopoct for troditiono ond rociprocotion of fovouro oorvo oo guiding principloo in o fomiliot'o lifo. Poor-rolotod colloctiviom (componionohip) con bo doocribod by clooo rolotiono botwoon on individuol ond hio/hor noighbouro, friondo, or co-workoro (Du, 2000). oocioty-rolotod colloctiviom (potriotiom) moono dodicotion to oorvo ono'o notion by ourrondoring ono'o poroonol comforto to thooo of tho lottor. Potrioto oro in principlo roody to oocrifico thomoolvoo to dofond thoir notion ogoinot ito onomioo (Du, ...
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