I Have A Dream

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I Have a Dream

I Have a Dream

I was watching Martin Luther King's famous 'I have a dream' speech; and I was so much inspired by his thoughts and vision that I decided to write one such speech in my own words. The world is beautiful, and we are blessed with so many things that we can not even imagine about living without them. This world is for us, and is destined to explore it for the betterment of humanity. We all are humans, and we should be proud of ourselves (Alexander, 2005).

The world is changing, and the change is evident. Our scientists have worked selflessly and have discovered medicines for the cure. We are blessed with technology. It has changed our lifestyle and our thought process. Computer, Internet, and World Wide Web have made it very easy for us to access to information at a click. Globalization has transformed our beautiful world into a global village. Countries are working to ease up traveling restrictions for their citizens. International trade barriers have vanished, and countries have come closer. We are reaping all these potential benefits due to unprecedented and fast-paced development in technology and globalization (Alexander, 2005).

Despite these advantages, these developments will be taken useless until they meant to provide comfort to human beings and raise their standard of living. The question is that have we reached the pinnacle of human development? The answer is an emphatic NO. It is because, in the wake of such developments, we have lost our cherished values; values that were once the core of our beliefs and practices. Human dignity, care for suffering, respect, and all such traditions have diminished in the colossus of recent developments.

Today, ordinary people are faced up with myriad of issues. Economic globalization has forced developed and under-developed countries to part ways with each other. There exists an unprecedented competition between the haves and the have-nots. This phenomenon has resulted in the emergence of anti-globalization movements. The World Social Forum has become a vocal force for the under-developed nations against the evil practices of World Economic Forum, which represents the developed bloc. The phenomenon of economic globalization has fostered the idea of racism and discrimination among countries and subgroups of people living in these countries.

Poverty is one of the biggest problems. According to a United Nations report, approximately more than half a million people are currently ...
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