Hypothesis Testing

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Feasibility; Experimental Research and Bias

Feasibility; Experimental Research and Bias

Section 1: Hypothesis 1

What is the hypothesis? What study design will be used to test the hypothesis?

Expected convenience will have a direct positive effect on attitude toward using a self-diagnosis application. To test our model, we conducted a survey with an internet-based medical self-diagnosis application as the focal technology. It was thought that this technology represents a strong test of consumers' acceptance of new technology in a service sector putting the consumer increasingly more in charge of the performance of the service product. Despite patient and provider co-create value, patients are themselves relatively passive receptors of medical diagnosis (i.e. they provide information about themselves) while expert physicians are performing all elements in this service.

What population will serve as the participants? How will the participants be recruited? What will be the inclusion/exclusion criteria for inclusion/exclusion from the study?

The population was limited to people from the age of 18 to 65. Whereas, the lower age limit reflects the defined legal age in Norway, the upper age limit was selected due to cohort effects that will occur as a self-diagnosis application most certainly will take years to develop. The participants in each survey were picked randomly from different parts of the municipality. Common for both surveys, respondents were given the choice of filling out a paper version of the questionnaire, having it communicated verbally or complete it online. For the latter alternative, "QuestBack," a web-based tool for creating and distributing surveys was used.

What will be the methodology used to test the hypothesis?

The questionnaire used to assess the inhabitants' receptivity to and use of various technology-based services, was a translated version of the Technology Readiness measurement instrument. The 36 items (optimism = ten items; innovativeness = seven items; discomfort = ten items; and insecurity = nine items) in the questionnaire were translated and back-translated in order to increase the reliability of the research. A pre-test conducted on ten persons confirmed that the questions were understandable. Respondents answered each technology-readiness item (sample item: "I can usually figure out new high-tech products and services without help from others.") on a five-point scale anchored strongly disagree/agree.

What is the possibility of bias entering the study? If the study is susceptible to bias, state and explain the type of bias that may enter the study and what steps can be incorporated to minimize the entry of bias.

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