Hypotheis Testing

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Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Testing


In contemporary world, there are plenty of powerful tools that can level the playing field between men and women in matters of strength. Beyond that, there is absolutely nothing to prevent women be just as competent as men in the mechanical sector. Many women make every effort to become a competent automobile mechanic in car companies, knowing that mechanics is a field that is mainly dominated by men. However, in past few years, majority of car companies have hired females as technicians and mechanics including filling assistant to positions.

Changing trend of employment at the operational of car companies shows that there is no reason that women cannot succeed and get a job in the motor industry. In past few decades, employment in the car manufacturing firms focused on hiring female to adopt an equal gender opportunity practice. Statistics shows that nearly half of the population in car companies is women and most have their own car. Between 2002 and 2010, employment level of women has increased by 23% in car companies for mechanics position (Creswell, 2009).

Like men, the mechanical training for women should cover the basics of mechanical engine and transmission, fuel systems, heating and cooling, lubrication, fault diagnosis, maintenance, testing emissions, tires and brakes. Without the pressure of learning potential in what may be an adverse environment, the mechanical training for women focuses on enabling them to overcome any disadvantages of force. This involves enhancing expertise of women in mechanic fields such as unclogging the parts of the heating and cooling or the use of levers to win or obtain mechanical advantage (Jackson, 2008). In order to make a career in the automotive companies, women often do not even need special education. Car dealers hold a competitive selection from universities, and then train women as a long time employee for the company. Car companies such as BMW, Ferrari, Nissan and Renault have developed an on the floor training mechanism for female employees to solve the personnel problem and enabling them to learn to be a mechanic (Jackson, 2008). It is found that there is greatest prospect in the automotive business now for women.

This paper presents a hypothesis testing framework to assess the effectiveness of women as mechanics in car industry. This would enable the company to design an effective recruitment and selection program while equalizing the workforce balance with equal share representation of men and women.

Problem Statement

Majority of car companies have established a recruitment and training program for female workers to fill operational core positions of mechanic and technician. All these positions are ascended depending on the expertise and capability of female to highlight their role in the industry. Research problem that shape the role of study is to explore whether there is a remarkable difference in the performance of women and men serving as mechanics in car companies. Second major concern is to explore to what extent female mechanics performance improved in between 2002 and 2010 over men.

Research Hypotheses

Null and alternate hypothesis for the selected research problem that could benefit the ...