Humanistic inquiry is based on the principle of humanism which is an approach of inquiry. It is different from the traditional inquiry method in that the inquirer here immerses in the field he is studying. The researcher's understanding of the topic comes from his personal experience. Humanistic inquiry is based on a number of beliefs that the researcher has about the nature of reality. The crucial points of human inquiry are as follows (Hirschman, 1986):
The realities constructed by human beings can only be studied in a holistic perspective; and
To understand any phenomenon, it is vital for the researcher to involve himself personally into the phenomenon. The researcher cannot separate himself from the subject of study. The researcher and the phenomenon do not only have to interact with each other constantly but, they also have to coexist.
When conducting research on any phenomenon, the researcher should aim for an idiographic body of knowledge. He should apply his reasoning and analytical methodologies to understand the phenomenon. Two phenomena cannot be labeled as cause and effect. The primary principle governing humanistic inquiry states that phenomena is always in a state of creations and is essentially evolutionary in nature. Since the researcher is so involved in the phenomenon he is investigating, it is but natural that his personal beliefs will intervene with the ones he is exploring. This will affect not only the choice of his topic but also the way he will approach it.
Knowledge is not something discovered; rather it is something that the researcher creates for himself and others. Hence, the knowledge of this researcher will be subjective.
Methods of humanistic inquiry
The humanistic inquiry follows the humanist approach. The humanistic method of inquiry requires active participation from the researcher. This is contrary to the positivist science whereby the researcher and the object of investigation remain separated, and there is no room for subjectivity. The humanistic inquiry approach does not limit to inquiries related to social subjects, but today it is applied widely. Humanistic inquiry method involves relying on empathy and intuition. Empathy is so essential because the investigator needs to put himself in the other person's shows to understand his beliefs and thinking pattern. This gives the investigator better understanding on the topic is investigating. The researcher then comprehends whatever he receives from his study subject and compares it with his own beliefs. This is where personal intuition comes into play. Empathy and intuition together help the researcher come up with an interpretation.
Like any other inquiry methods, humanistic inquiry method also has some standards (Boush, 2008). These are as follows:
Credibility - it is important that the researcher should interpret the acquired data in a way that is consistent with the way the respondent or the informant feels. Only then the research findings will be credible;
Dependability - the observers of a certain phenomena should agree with each other on the interpretation of that phenomenon;
Conformability - Interpretation of any phenomena should be principally ...