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Human Rights & Marketing

Human Rights & Marketing

Human Rights

Every person has dignity. Human rights principles have been developed as a means of ensuring adequate and equitable dignity of each person, i.e., provide opportunities to fully develop and demonstrate personal qualities such as intelligence, talent and conscience, as well as meet their spiritual and other needs (Alston, 1992, 8).

Dignity gives an individual a sense of value and worth. The existence of human rights demonstrates that people understand the value of human personality. Human dignity is not an individual, exclusive and isolated sense. It is part of our common humanity.

Human rights allow us to respect each other and coexist with each other. In other words, they are not only rights to be respected, but also the rules that need to demand from others. Rights that apply to you, apply to the other (Buergenthal, 1995, pp.7).

Violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms is not only a personal tragedy, but also creates conditions for social and political unrest, sowing the violence and conflict societies and nations and between nations.

Human rights are more than guarantees and obligations as between States agreed been designed by states are. People right guaranteed legal claims, of the beneficiaries against the state are calls can be. In the individual the procedures and conventions Institutions created, are human rights enforceable. This distinguishes it from moral metallic claims.

Rights to protect the human person (e.g. right to life, prohibition of slavery, torture, prohibition of arbitrary arrest and detention)

Procedural rights (e.g. right to a fair trial)

Liberties (e.g. freedom of religion and freedom of assembly and association)

Economic, social and cultural rights (e.g. right to social security, education or health)

Human rights are tools that encourage respect for human dignity, which are inherent in the nature of each person, because without them cannot be fully realized human being. "They are a set of powers and institutions in every moment concrete historical demands of freedom and human equality, which must be recognized positively by the legal national and international level, "according to Human Rights Center Fray Francisco de Vitoria (Pogge, 2002, 7).

The rights we have today are not eternal. On the contrary, they are fragile rights must constantly defend. Knowledge is the first step to assume that defense. Thus, the effective protection of human rights is an instrument to defend the abuses of rulers, and that human rights are one of the most outstanding products civilized. The human rights violations are the actions undertaken by some element of state power, contrary to human dignity as the authorities act with impunity in the investigation and / or punishment of violations (Shue, 1996, pp. 4).

Society as a whole has the obligation to protect humanity in terms of providing individuals with their individual basic right. Others believe this as they are of the opinion that society is made up of people and the prime aim of a society is to ensure that every individual is leading the life he is suppose to; meaning all that he should ...
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