This paper discusses Human Rights and their relation with criminal justice. The purpose of the discussion is to see how social change can be brought about with human rights and criminal justice working together. Human rights are applicable on all human beings, regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other beliefs and values.
Table of Contents
Characteristics of Human Rights2
Obligations of Human Rights2
United Nations and Human Rights3
Criminal Justice4
Providers of Criminal Justice4
Relation between Human Rights and Criminal Justice5
Sharing of Information6
Social Change through Human Rights and Criminal Justice6
Guidance on Social Responsibility9
Human Rights, Criminal Justice and Social Change
Human rights are the basic rights which are noteworthy for every human being. These rights are governed by law and violation would result in stringent action. There is a set of universal laws, which the world must be aware of and follow (HR, 2011). The rights have many facets such as those for women and children. There are rights to liberty and freedom of speech. There are rights to general safety and security; rights that we expect all societies to guarantee to their citizens irrespective of a person's race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ethnicity; rights that we should have no matter where we live or who we are (USDS, 2011). They function on grounds which are challenged for particular policies and actions of countries. Also, upon which we demand change or imagine a different and better future. Diligently adhering to human rights and then coupling it with the criminal justice system can bring about social change. Most governments speak of human rights and how every citizen of this world deserves to be treated fairly. Thousands of people, around the world, are dying without accountability, but the reason remains unknown. Even the basic right to liberty is not available to everyone; a report from a New York-based body reported that, “2010 saw a net decline in liberty across the world for the fifth year in a row, the longest continual decline in four decades of record-keeping” (Economist, 2011, pp. 01).
The reason to choose this topic is simple; human rights deal with human beings and anything that happens in relation to human rights directly affect us. The interesting fact is the relationship between human rights and criminal justice, and how the two combine to bring about social change. The reason behind choosing this topic is to discover the various rights, laws and their effects on society and the world as a whole. Practice of human rights and incorporating criminal justice can bring about social change, which is beneficial to all.
Characteristics of Human Rights
There are various characteristics of human rights and some of the most critical ones are discussed here. Firstly, human rights are universal and the birthright of all human beings. Next, they focus on the inherent dignity and equal worth of all human beings. They are equal, indivisible and interdependent. Additionally, they cannot be waived or removed. The rights impose obligations of action and omission, particularly on States and States ...