Human Resource Managment

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Human Resource Managment

Table of Contents

Task 13

Performance Evaluation3

Culture & People5

Leadership & Succession Planning6

Task 28


Carlux car company9

HR activities9

Task 311

Centralized Structure11



Hybrid Structure13




Human Resource Managment

Task 1

Human Resource Management functions may be briefly described as:

1. Manpower Planning: The HR considers the actual requirement of the staff for the organization. Because the overstaffing is wasteful and expensive, and understaffing leads to loses of the organization economics and profits.

2. Employee selection: Selection of employees for the suitable job.

3. Employees motivating: Motivating employees and encourage them to give their best in work productivity. Providing financial rewards to the staff.

Performance Evaluation

Performance Evaluation included individual business objectives, recording processes and results to enable an analysis of the success achieved. Career development including the identification of strengths and promotability of employees would then be part of section 3 in a cyclical system to give constant feedback on where an employee would have to improve. Based on section 2 and 3, the fourth formed the base for personal development plans and their progression recording, that is, what to train. Finally, section 5 would form an overall summary of all activities and compare its outcome to what was planned at the start of the year through self-appraisal, a management and associate review, formularized by signatures and associate comments (section 6), assuring the desired accountability of every individual in the company. To further guarantee the employees acceptance to this more demanding performance management system training programs would support them in understanding the need to link down individual and overall corporate goals and provide them enough feedback. Also the compensation system was aimed by linking it to the new performance management system and increasing therefore its focus on performance and value added instead of hieratic compensation structures based on hierarchical positions, informing employees through brochures about the new system. Further, salary bands where reduced to five wider-ranged to achieve higher flexibility in compensating employees with extraordinary performances. This enabled the company to transform inflexible compensation budgets into more variable costs which could be easily adapted to new market situations and to the overall company's financial performance, increasing also the employee's commitment with corporate, long term goals.

Culture & People

Culture can be defined as "the specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the organization." This includes psychological aspects of people in the organization, attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values which can often be found represented in specific corporate-intern language or even in symbols.

At the moment of Carlux car company 's arrival there was a relative lack of alignment of people and Carlux car company's values. Therefore the control system, including several undesirable bureaucratic procedures, had to be tight in order to maintain the smooth functioning of the company. One attitude which exemplifies how managers tried to overcome the control systems was the way they manipulated the performance grades of their sub-ordinates in order to achieve department-related goals, not focusing on Carlux car ...
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