Human Resource Management

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The Changing Landscape of Human Resource Management and Significance of Human Resource Management & Organization Behavior

The Changing Landscape of Human Resource Management and Significance of Human Resource Management & Organization Behavior


Human resource (or personnel) management refers to the ability to enable individuals to perform in an organization. It is a fundamental aspect of every manager's job description and responsibilities. Some organizations consider human resource management as advantageous only when it functions as a special department that provides expertise for recruitment and selection (Bandura & Cervone 1986, p.98). It is a widely applicable premise that employees are the most valuable asset of an organization. There would rarely be any management that disagrees to this. Even though, companies acknowledge this fact, there are still organizations that do not strive to practically employ this belief. Employees often feel undervalued, lack sufficient training, and are not let to utilize their skills to the best of their potential. This also results in lack of motivation and employees perform below their potential.

The business environment is evolving and rapidly changing. The pace of change has never been quicker. It has become absolutely imperative for organizations to adapt to change and conduct operations in a dynamic manner. For this change to benefit the organization, it is essential to have the right personnel for the appropriate designations. Selecting valuable human resource is an intricate process and requires focus (Boselie 2005, p.85). Organizations must look to recruit individuals that would be beneficial in attaining organizational objectives. For this purpose, organizations should look to develop a pool of applicants that it views as beneficial in attaining strategic goals. The labor market is full of talented and educated individuals. Finding the right people can a complex and expensive matter.

The size, nature of business, objectives and operations differ from one organization to the other. Organizations should look to possess the right individuals in order to attain its strategic objectives.

Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior or OB is the branch of management that examines the impact of employees, structure or hierarchy and culture have on the organization. It also investigates the behavior of employees as individuals in the organization. Organizational behavior can also beneficial in understanding the application of knowledge in improving organizational efficiency. The field of OB has three generic elements. The first element looks to understand the behaviors and actions of individuals and groups that come together in the organization. This involves discovering the level of motivation and cohesion among employees (Bowen & Ostroff 2004, p.208). The second element focuses on the structure or the hierarchy of the organization and how it impacts individual behavior. The last element of the definition emphasizes the appliance of knowledge to attain strategic objectives and organizational effectiveness. The success of a company relies on these elements of management which the interlinked with each other. The core of organizational behavior revolves around developing a cause-effect relationship.

Organizational behavior looks to investigate the study of human behavioral sciences that include psychology, economics, ...
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