Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

There are many reasons due to which Strategic Human Resource Management is critical towards the success of an organization and for meeting its goals and objectives. First of all it is important to understand the concept of Strategic Human Resource Management. Strategic Human Resource Management is prepared to assist companies in meeting the needs of their employees and to promote the goals of the company. The discipline of Human resource management is concerned with all the issues of a business that influence matters regarding employees, hiring and firing, remuneration, compensation and benefits, training, and administration. The role of Human Resource Department of any company is to offer work incentives, information regarding safety procedures and sick or vacation leaves. The basic concept of Strategic Human Resource management is the proper management of people. It necessitates planning ahead for the betterment of the company also tries to meet the needs of employees in the best possible way. This certainly changes the way activities are performed at a business site which no doubt bring lots of improvement in the selection of employees and in the training programs for the proper assessment of techniques and discipline (Baird, 1988).

There are various companies which exert lots of efforts in order to meet the needs of the employees to create a positive atmosphere for increasing their productivity levels. Human Resource Management is the appropriate source to achieve this factor. When the proper plan is made regarding the needs of employees to improve their skills, it not only becomes beneficial for the employees but for the organization. When the retention rate of the company will be improved, then the costs on the recruitment and training of the employees will be reduced. When the plan is created by the Human Resource Management, it is vital to consider what employees need and what to return the company will receive from these employees. There are huge corporations who can afford the cost of training and benefit programs but smaller corporations can surely not afford it. It certainly does not mean that a smaller company cannot engage in Strategic Human Resource Management. It is indeed very necessary to provide specialized on-site training especially when it is offered by the senior members of the company. Therefore, these steps can certainly enhance the performance of the employees in an appropriate way (Delery, 1998).

As far as the case of Heidrick and Struggles Inc. is concerned, there is an assessment going on regarding the implementation of Strategic Human Resource Management. The company has operations in various parts of the world, and their financial position is even quite strong, since the business environment is quite tough, so they need a proper planning in each of the Departments they have. The most important Department which has become very crucial under these circumstances is the Human Resource Management. This is the reason why the senior managers including the CEO and other crucial members of the Management have discussed the ...
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