(HRM) has become an important tool to promote the rapid development of modern enterprises. One of the core functions of HRM is to settle compensation and benefit packages for the employees. An effective training, rewards & recruitment system must include competitive system which should be performance oriented. Reward, training & recruitment system will be an effective tool to promote the realization of enterprise strategic goals. Reward, training & recruitment management changes the enterprise' spirit and the relationship between labor and management, increase the enterprise' competitive edge and vitality in its own special way. It plays an important role in the process of reforming and guiding the financial enterprise.
Cognitive-behavioral theories are best conceptualized as a general category of theories, or a set of related theories, which have evolved from the theoretical writings, clinical experiences, and empirical studies of behavioral and cognitively oriented psychologists. There is no single definition of cognitive-behavioral theory. (Papageorgiou, 2000, 407) The individual theories are tied together by common assumptions, techniques and research strategies, but maintain a diversity of views about the role cognitions play in behavior change. The hyphenated term "cognitive-behavioral" reflects the importance of both behavioral and cognitive approaches to understanding and helping human beings. The hyphen brings together behavioral and cognitive theoretical views, each with its own theoretical assumptions and intervention strategies. (Valmaggia, 2007, 133)
Most Applicable in the Training Environment
I think that both the theories are interrelated and since they have a relationship; Cognitive-behavioral interventions target both cognitive and behavioral problems using a full integration of cognitive and behavioral strategies. Cognitive-behavioral research is based on observed changes in behavior and cognition with methodological rigor.
In my opinion Cognitive-behavioral theories provide great flexibility in treatment targets and interventions, sharing a fundamental emphasis on the importance of cognitive workings and private events as mediators of behavior change. I think Behavioral assessment, operating in the "triple response mode", provide a conceptual model of the functional relationships between thoughts, behaviors, and feelings and provide the necessary background for clinicians and researchers to implement and evaluate intervention strategies.
The difficulties in recruiting
What is and is not key to motivating employees. Do employees want fun, work-life balance, a pleasant office environment, or a boss with an iron will? The exact formula for a truly motivated team remains elusive, but new research out yesterday from consulting firm Watson Wyatt suggests managers add another ingredient: clarity. The survey of over 14,000 employees across Europe found that the most important factor for employee motivation was a clear sense of the company's strategic direction. Andrew Cocks, a senior consultant at the firm, explains:
“Business leaders who articulate the business strategy give employees a clear 'line of sight' to how they can best contribute to the performance of their company, but the benefit goes beyond this. It helps to build trust in the company and its management and creates a positive ...