Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management


The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the strategic recruitment, strategic selection and the principles of performance management of Microsoft. The human resource management is the key behind the success of any organization. This is the reason why companies focus on the importance of developing the best human resource management functions.

Company Overview

Since its establishment in 1993, Microsoft is engaged in the business of different software products and services. The company is engaged in the business of sale and designing of hardware and software. The company is considered to be one of the leading companies in the industry of information technology. In order to maintain its position, the company hires the best employees. For the purpose of attracting the best candidates, Microsoft follows a recruitment and selection process along with the performance management system (Brelade, 2000, p. 29). Given below are the principles of strategic recruitment, strategic selection and performance management for Microsoft.

Principles of Strategic Recruitment

Microsoft pays a great attention to the principles of strategic recruitment. The strategic recruitment principles help Microsoft in providing a complete guideline for its recruitment functions which helps the company in recruiting the best employees. Given below are the main principles of strategic recrutiment:

1) Pipeline Approach: This is the most effective recruitment approach is the porinciple of pipeline approach. This approach is very helpful for building the line of applicants which is termed as the pipeline. The “pre-need” approach is used for the purpose of developing the onboarding, planning and branding services.

2) Competitive: Competitive approach is another strategic recruitment principle which is used in different companies. These are the strategic recruitment principles which are comparatively better than the competitor's strategic recruitment process (Soliman, 2000, p. 345). Under this principle, a competitive recruitment system is adopted which thus helps in recruiting the best individuals than the competitors.

3) Employment Branding: Employment branding is another strategic recruitment principle which helps the companies in recruiting individuals so that the brand of the company can be developed.

4) Global: The global principle of strategic recruitment is beneficial for the multinational companies This is the reason why multinational companies adopt the global principle of strategic recruitment. This strategic recruitment principle is used in the cases when there is a need of the top talent. The company considers that the best talent can be present in distant locations.

5) Build a Recruiting Culture: This is another most effective strategic recruitment principle. This is the culture in which each and every manager and the employee is recruiter itself. The external contact of each and every employee helps the company in recruiting the best talent from outside sources.

These are the main principles of strategic recruitment used for the purpose of recruiting the best employees for the company.

Principles of Strategic Selection

Selection is the process which is used for making the decision of choosing the right person for organization. Along with the principles of strategic recruitment, there are also various principles of strategic selection:

Selection is ...
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