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Recruitment, Selection and Induction

Recruitment, Selection and Induction


It has been suggested that recruitment and selection are the most critical components of HRM. In essence, effective management of these two phases of HRM will ensure that you get the right people in the right jobs. Recruitment includes activities and processes that define employee needs and narrow down qualified candidates for particular jobs (Breaugh & Stark, 2000, pp.26).

Selection encompasses the techniques and methods of selecting most qualified candidates from the group that was created by recruitment process. The induction and orientation of new employees and volunteers is an increasingly formalized process. It can be viewed either as the final step of recruitment or the initial process of training and development (Boxall & Purcell, 2003).

1. Developing Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes


Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization. Selection may be defined as the process by which the organization chooses from among the applicants, those people whom they feel would best meet the job requirement, considering current environmental condition. Following are the steps of recruitment process that must be taken into consideration by HR managers:

Step 1: Job description and profile

This step is summarized in writing tasks, responsibilities and duties of a job. This statement also clarifies the reporting relationship between this position and the immediate command. In addition, this summary often indicates the degree of independence and autonomy of the incumbent. The job description is to list the main tasks, and occasional secondary characteristic employment.

Step 2: Research and selection of candidate

Research candidates may be done using two techniques:

Internal exploration: This is a technique in search of candidates for his company i.e. the company that wants to hire can offer its staff that is qualified to fill the position. This technique may take the form of an announcement published on the newspaper's internal organization and on its intranet site.

The use of internal recruitment is favored in many companies because it is a source of motivation and strong integration of its employees on the one hand, and secondly because it is a more economical an external recruitment. When the company could not find the right person for the position, it conducts external exploration. Exploration can be done externally by the following methods:

1. The priority of rehiring of dismissed employees

2. The priority of part-time employees and full time

3. Ads

4. Internet recruitment and e-recruitment

5. Unsolicited applications

6. Cooptation (is to recruit a candidate recommended by a family member or friend working in the company)

7. Contacts with schools and universities

8. Internships

9. The recruitment fairs

10. Recruitment agencies

Having to search for candidates and upon receipt of their resume and cover letters of their resumes, recruiters use a manual sorting of resumes from a list of criteria established by defining the vacancy and the definition of the candidate.

Step 3: Recruitment

After selecting the candidates, they are invited to spend one or more ...
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