Human Resource Management

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Critical Elements of Human Resource Management

Critical Elements of Human Resource Management


Any organization or company has various departments and sectors that work together with each other in order to achieve the common goal of company's growth, development and improvement. Therefore, every individual sectors or department has its own importance and role in the success of the company. Moreover, the effect in the performance of nay one of these departments will result in various consequences. Some departments therefore deal with all the technical issues, problems and progress of the company and some departments deal with all the management related matters of the company. The management departments can also further be classified and categorized into various groups. That is because the company requires the management and control in various other sub departments as well. These include the management of resources, capital, revenue, transportations and many other aspects. However, the most important and essential department that requires affective monitoring and mentoring is the management of personnel in the company. Moreover, no company or organization can survive without effective management of labor, employees and workers (Taylor, 2011, pp. 20).

Overview of the Discussion

With globalization on the rise, it is now mandatory for any company, business or organization in any region if the world to adapt all the necessary methodologies that are adapted and used globally. Companies and business throughout the world are also constantly panning to expand their businesses. Greater the company, greater the amount of work and ultimately higher number of employees required to perform the additional world. Hence, if any company aims to expand its business and target market, it must take into account various techniques necessary to ensure the recruitment of efficient employees, their proper training and guidance, and providing solution to their issues and problems. Moreover, utilizing the talents, motivation and encouragement of the employees, warning in case of in efficiency and appreciation for a good performance, all are included in the list of the responsibilities of Human Resource Management department of a company have to perform.


Essential Skills, Competencies and Knowledge Required for Effective Functioning of Human Resources Management

Formation and building of an effective Human Resource Management essentially requires the perfect and efficient managers and higher officials to consider and take into account three main contributors or players, the company, its customers, and the competition. These three central and highlighting players and factors are collectively referred to or known as the strategic triangle that a company requires to achieve its goals of success. Different and various skills, talents, expertise and experiences are essentially needed in order to manage these three very important factors in any business or organization.

Therefore, an effective management must in all cases include three important elements: A very clear and decisive mission statement, a detailed analysis of all the main policies, strategies and a description of all the major programs and activities that will be or are used to achieve the aims within the limits of the ...
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