Human Recourse Manager's Role in Hiring and Firing
Human Recourse Manager's Role in Hiring and Firing
Research Problem
I'm studying the Human recourse manager's role in hiring and firing, in other words mostly recruiting in an organization, in order to find out how accurate an HR must be when it comes to hiring and firing, to try help my readers understand what I think is the right process for choosing the right candidate for the right job.
Topic Discipline
This topic may be under a few of academic disciplines categories, mainly the topic is under the academic discipline of Human resources management, but also it can be under psychology.
Importance of Topic
This field has a huge impact on this topic because when it comes to hiring and firing the HR needs to know how to manage questioning and understanding the employees, Also, knowing how to build an employee's self esteem and confidence in order to make things go the way it was asked for (Simerson 2003).
As we all know choosing the right person for the right spot might be really difficult, knowing that a futures organization is relying on you and your staffs choices of recruiting is something huge and needs to be understood in order to go on the right path for you and your company.
Potential Benefit of my research
The Hiring process is the identification of critical roles, development of job descriptions and recruitment criteria, candidates are looking through job listings and advertising, evaluating and reviewing the candidates, conducting interviews with job opportunities. It is a critical process that is often taken for granted, but effective HR management starts with an efficient and effective process for the hiring process (Mondy 2005).
In addition to hiring, HR professionals need to provide a salary and benefit package-often referred to as total compensation package that helps organizations attract and retain qualified candidates. Ensuring competitive salaries often includes market-based comparisons organizations develop appropriate guidelines to help pay. A complex Organization landscape means that HR professional's continually select options for providing employee's with competitive prices and estimated health care benefit coverage options offer must be aware of.
HR professionals are often responsible for training and education of employees throughout the organization need to be general in nature, such as customer service training, or it may be designed specifically for changes in laws, regulations or technology, for example, learn new software programs. HR professionals also play an important role in the identification, maintenance and development of future leaders through successful planning and leadership development programs. Training internally developed, purchased online and through other sources or contracted by a number of providers (Mathis 2000).
Two more important responsibilities of a human resource department include employee relations and policy formation. Many organizations face several challenges from race discrimination to sexual harassment so the importance of the organizations human resource department to ensure that the organizations employees are treated fairly while formatting policy so all employees know and understand what should be done in different circumstances is huge.
An organizations human resource department can ...