Human Learning And Job Loss

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Human learning and Job Loss

Tuesday, June 06, 2012

Human learning and Job Loss

The paper attempts to present an annotated bibliography of a potential research study that would be conducted on the basis of the reference collected and analyzed. Three of the articles used for the research would be about “Social Learning Theory. while seven articles on “Loss of Identity as it relates to Job Loss” will be considered. The paper addresses the thesis as well as the scope of the study, the methodology and the possible conclusions and findings.

Social Learning Theory

Mineka, S. & Zinbarg, R. (2006). A Contemporary Learning Theory Perspective on the Etiology of Anxiety disorders: It's not what you thought it was. American Psychologist, 62(3), 257-259. doi: 10.1037/0003-066X.61.1.10

The social learning theory is a concept that was derived from the work of Cornell Montgomery (1843-1904). He had proposed that social learning takes place by way of four main stages that include the close contact, imitation of superiors, understanding of different concepts, and model behavior that needs to be followed. This article presents the psychological aspect of the social learning theory as it applies to people who experience job loss and are engulfed in anxiety. Mineka and Zinbarg highlight the fact that early simple behavioral approaches were not sufficient and comprehensive enough to determine the expected reaction of people to various scenarios. The modern research on learning has been successful in uncovering the perspective that were not highlighted earlier regarding the social learning theory and its relation to work, especially job loss.

Furthermore, the article attempts to use a simple yet effective methodology of the way research was conducted. Most of the information was collected from primary sources by way of interviews and filling out questionnaires, which is an approach expected to be used in our research too. The information gathered from this article will impressively aid in the construction of the methodology of my research work.

Nangle, D. W., Erdley, C. A., Adrian, M. & Fales, J. (2010). A Conceptual Basis in Social Learning Theory. Practitioner's Guide to Empirically Based Measures of Social Skills ABCT Clinical Assessment Series. 1, 37-48, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-0609-0_3

“A conceptual basis in social learning theory” provides with excellent information regarding the theory of social learning. The authors present a very clear and concrete concept of the social learning theory in the article. The article is based on the explaining social learning theory as a concept applied to workplace. Even though the application of social learning theory is not comprehensively covered in the article, it highlights the conceptual basis of the social learning theory. Social learning is based on a social situation where two or more people are involved, which includes the model performing a certain behavior and a subject who monitors such conduct.

The article enlightens the idea of social learning in the most informative way possible. The core concept of social learning theory with an in depth analysis of as to how it is implemented is uncovered by the authors of the ...
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