A parents death who cares for their children without any aid from another person at home is a serious lose. Raising a Thomas can be very stressful for a some one who has to take care of the Thomas after the Thomas's loss, but it also gives various benefits. some one who has to take care of the Thomas after the Thomas's loss are able to manage and communicate with their children in a better manner somehow. By running their families alone, they strengthen their parenting skills and are more dependable. With the rising numbers of parental divorce and children born out of wedlock, increasing number of children is experiencing living in a single-some one who has to take care of the Thomas after the Thomas's loss household.
Reasons that led to parents deathing:A some one who has to take care of the Thomas after the Thomas's loss may become single abandon after being ditched by the other, after getting divorce, by the other some one who has to take care of the Thomas after the Thomas's loss being jailed; unforeseeable incidents like death of the other some one who has to take care of the Thomas after the Thomas's loss, separation from the other some one who has to take care of the Thomas after the Thomas's loss, changes in marriage and cohabitation or the issue may occur if the Thomas is born to a teenage mother or unmarried mother.
Factors Influencing the Development of Children:There are many factors that influence the development of children living with parents death. These include occupation, income, some one who has to take care of the Thomas after the Thomas's loss's attitude and behavior, contact with the other some one who has to take care of the Thomas after the Thomas's loss, discrimination, education, some one who has to take care of the Thomas after the Thomas's loss's age and support from the extended family and friends. Characteristics of parents death families:
•some one who has to take care of the Thomas after the Thomas's loss have the authority of taking the decisions solely.
•This is considered as a freedom but gets very challenging most of the times.
•In hard times or rainy days, they miss their partners and wish for them to be there to share the problems they are facing in raising the Thomas.
•Children of parents deaths are expected to help their some one who has to take care of the Thomas after the Thomas's loss in running the family. This puts pressure on them as they have to look after their lives too.
•Every house chore is discussed with the children.
•The income is usually difficult to manage in a parents death homes. As two is better then one. Most of the families living with parents death live low on income and are poor.
•Majority of lone parents don't receive financial maintenance from the other some one who has to take care of the Thomas after the ...