Human Biological Evolution

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Human Biological Evolution

Human Biological Evolution

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Human beings are the most magnificent creation of god. We humans have the ability to learn, interact, understand and evaluate many things other than what is in our surroundings, and it is because of these abilities, we human beings are far superior to any other species in this world right now. However, it has been argued for centuries and still being argued currently that we humans have wended through biological evolution and it is because of this biological evolution that we human beings are what we are right now. Many people including scientists deny these theories as well as facts presented by them and many more scientists accept these facts and the theory of biological evolution it, however whether these facts and theories are true or not is a discussion of another day.

Here in the following white paper, the human biological evolution and its concept will be discussed with whether a new race or evolution is in uprising or not. Furthermore, the cultural impact on the human biological evolution will also be considered, and how cultural history defines the upcoming evolution will also be discussed. What are Human races? Is their human races? What differences exist among human populations and why (for example skin colour variation between human populations are the result of a balancing act by natural selection to protect populations from UV radiation and to make sure they get enough UV radiation to make vitamin D), all these following question will be discussed appropriately if not in full. By the end of this white paper, a conclusion will also be provided to make sure that the discussion of biological evolution in human beings is effectively and efficiently concluded. A summary of the discussion at hand will also be a part of this white paper and will be presented at the end.


Human biological evolution is a concept or to be precise a theory which is been on the verge of explanation and defining itself for so many years. Some believe it, and many people don't, it is not that the facts that a provided by the human biological evolution are inappropriate or subjective (Some might be), but it is because of the cultural and religion differences that are present among as human beings that this concept of human biological evolution is being neglected and ignored for no good reasons at all.

However, the human biological evolution is basically defined as a process in which humans are evolved from ape like creatures, and it is still in progress right now. It is also estimated that the human biological evolution is a process that started six million years ago and is still ongoing and some claim that it will remaining continuing and progressing till the end of times. The time the concept of the human biological evolution was discovered it was noted that only the DNA of human beings affects and changes with the evolution however, as time passed on and the technical advancement achieved right now, it is also argued that our ...
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