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No matter how carefully a manager recruits and selects employees, they will not come to their new jobs with all the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. Training is essential if employees are to reach their potential. Training should help them feel like they are creating better opportunities for themselves and at the same helping the business accomplish its goals.

Training is anything an employer does to help employees learn to do their work the way the employer wants them to do it (Furubotten, 2000). Training is an investment in people benefiting both the employer and employee. In an ideal employer-employee situation, the investment in teaching allows an employee to do the job better. Doing the job better benefits both the employee and the business. Trainers (teachers) are challenged to understand what the employees (learners) know from previous training and experience. Trainers need to see the job through the eyes of the employees. Good training makes complicated and complex tasks seem simple. Note how complicated riding a bicycle seems until one knows how. Finding "pneumonia" in the dictionary happens only after one knows that it begins with a "p" rather than an "n".(Bruner, 2000, 5-12)

Every organization needs manpower relevant to the needs of the organization goals. The organization may change its goals depending upon the market requirements and new trends. Usually the new requirements (although an extension of the present one), become a little more complicated and drift away from the old requirements. For example, when the age of computerization dawned, typewriting skills were used, but now, knowledge of computers has become a must (Bruner, 2000, 5-12).

So, training is necessary on the basics of computers - for opening files, storing them, sending emails etc. These are all new concepts to the older generation. The machine/computer looks somewhat like a black box, which they often try to avoid using. But proper training (and now, several government offices are doing it too), as part of the development of human resources, has made good use of many the powers that computers have. However, this is only a small example (Caraway, 1999).

The same goes for the various walks of life. Some of the fields to consider are:




Services like power distribution, financial, legal, medical, repairs, counseling


Civil construction activity


These are just a few among a whole range of fields that exist in the present world. Whatever the field, the basics of training can be followed for an organization and its trainees to get maximum benefit (Furubotten, 2000).

Launching training programs

The following points need to be considered by the management before launching a training program:

1. Will it be a short term training, give or take 10-30 days, or long drawn programs spanning over six months to a year?2. The long term training program is normally for people who to be recruited in the organization to become junior officers and who, in time, may become mid-level managers.3. The short term training can be for mid-level managers or senior low level people who are to become acquainted with new trends in ...
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