How Should We Then Live?

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How Should We then Live?

How Should We then Live?


A tendency towards dichotomy has characterized evangelical churches our times. "Spiritual", together with the experiential, has emphasized at the expense of the "secular" and intellectual development, leading many believers establishes a wall of separation between them.

The first thing that has happened is a great development in the churches, their religious work. Repentance and salvation have been privileged topics two churches filled with people eager to meet their needs spirituality them. Our continent has known, in the words of many observers-a evangelical great awakening with a staggering increase attendance (Schaeffer, 2005).

But the dichotomy is not only this has generated. Secondly, it has been noticed a poor emphasis on developing the intellectual capacities of believers and worry about giving a Christian response to culture. Issues such as the work church social, point of view against social injustice and exploitation, or participation of believers in politics and science have been note- probably left out. They have been seen as a dispensable part of global witness of the church and in the worst case, they have been presented as matters "dangerous" to which believers must demonstrate a healthy self-consciousness.

It is a general trend towards anti-intellectualism with the loss of large white fields among students and professionals. But because of poor evangelization of local culture in Peru, thousands of Evangelical churches in contrast to the situation a century ago, is remarkable take to the streets and see that society in general continues to degenerate. We have transformed the religious life of people, but little social life.

It is the fact that God is not God only of religious life, or some areas of human knowledge, but the God of all that exists under the sun. God is Lord of all life human and Lord ...
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