How Have ESPN and Other Media Sources Influenced (Positively or Negatively) Professional Sports in the Last Twenty Years?
[Name of the Institute]
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Professional sports have emerged as significant function of the culture of United Kingdom. Each year thousands and millions of people in United Kingdom attend and watch sporting events either through live at stadiums or watch these events on television or over the internet. This has increased among the literature of sports and entertainment growing importance of relationship of how media especially television sports channels such as ESPN and other media sources influenced positively or negatively professional sports in the last twenty years. This research investigated how ESPN and other media sources have positive or negative influence on professional sports since last twenty years. The research has adopted the primary quantitative survey questionnaire to analyze the preferences of sports fans to watch sports games on ESPN or other media sources and sports channels on television. From the sample size of 50 sports fans, randomly selected from sports grounds of United Kingdom, the findings of the research indicated that there exist both positive and negative influences of sports media on fandom of professional sports through which sports media provide information and coverage on the television screens. In addition, gender and age differences were significantly found in the findings of the research. Moreover, the findings indicated that content, picture quality, personal experience and the frequency of their favourite sports being broadcasted are all significant factors influencing the preferences to watch sports channels for their favourite sports. Finally, research found that expensive travelling tickets, expensive match tickets, parking fees, expensive hotel stay and costs of food and beverages are all significant factors that hinder the preferences of sports fans to attend and watch live games at stadiums.
Table of Contents
1.1 Background of the Research1
1.2 Aims of the Research8
1.3 Objectives of the Research9
1.4 Research Questions9
1.5 Rationale of the Research10
1.6 Limitations/Delimitations of the Research11
1.7 Structure of the Research12
2.1 Sports Media Effects and Professional Sports13
2.1.1 Positive Effects of Sports Media on Professional Sports13
2.1.2 Negative Effects of Sports Media on Professional Sports22
2.2 Preferences of Sports Media and Professional Sports23
2.3 Gender Preferences and Sports Media25
2.4 Age Group Preferences and Sports Media25
2.5 Factors Influencing Choice of Sports Media27
2.6 Preferences of Watching Professional Sports in Stadiums28