How Fashion Expands To Other Industries And Changes People's Point Of View In Living

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How Fashion Expands To Other Industries and Changes People's Point Of View in Living



I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.


I [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.

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The purpose this research will be to enlighten and explore the trends through which of the expansion of fashion are acknowledged around the globe. The purpose of the dissertation will be to highlight the impact depicted by fashion on the lifestyle of individuals due to which drastic changes have been acknowledged in their lifestyle. There is a variety of study variables selected to be the part of the study. These variables represent the expansion of fashion industry in diverse contexts. Nonetheless, the variables selected to be the part of the dissertation will be analyzed in a systematic manner in order to assert their influence on the psyche and lifestyle adapted by individuals. There has been significant growth witnessed in the fashion industry since its inception. The civilization of individuals living in the society it correlated with their status consciousness. Fashionable brands have become the part of people's identity and are adapted as a significant part of the lifestyle. Hence, the research study in this perspective will cater the psychological dimensions through which the variables correlate and depict the desired findings.






Study Aim7

Study Objectives7

Study Variables7

Independent variables7

Dependent Variable7

Conceptual Framework8



Nature of the Study13

Research Design13

Data Collection Instrument14

Data Collection Process15

Secondary Data Collection Sources15



Today, fashion industry facing a new paradigm in the 'evolution of brand' in order to improve their advantages. The existence of the term 'brand extensions' in fashion industry has been growing rapidly in the past 20 years. Many well known designer have their own brand extensions to blown their market share. When we talk about fashion, we generally think about famous designers such as Chanel, Versace, John Galliano and Vivienne Westwood but the term fashion covers a huge range of different clothing and accessory styles, markets, and industries.

In fact, it need not even refer to clothing or accessories. What is fashionable in one culture would often seem very out of place in another. Some occupations demand that workers wear a particular uniform and some workers adopt their own informal uniform. Fashion can also be used to emphasize rank or standing in the community. It can also emphasize a feeling of belonging to a particular group.

The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate areas such as fashion and its relation to brand extensions. Investigation towards this area will be conducted in order to produce a set of home ware product as the final outcome for this practical based project. In doing so, the study will examine the term brand extensions and ...
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